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QRCA 2023 Charlotte Annual Conference Encore: Powering Up for the Future of Qual

Total Credits: 9 including 9 Advance Credits

Tags: Encore


QRCA 2023 Charlotte Annual Conference Session Bundle

Look back on the sessions from QRCA's Charlotte Annual Conference in 2023

as we Power UP to prepare for the next era of qualitative research.

Technology has fundamentally changed the ways we observe, how we listen, the methods we use, and even how we are influenced. Every day we interact digitally and there is a constant barrage of misinformation and disinformation that makes it difficult to become educated both as a consumer and a professional researcher. Culturally, these conflicting resources contribute to a fragmented society and as quallies we have to learn new ways to adapt our senses in order to find insight through all the noise.

We are in a unique position in the marketing research industry being solely focused on the practice and discipline of qualitative research and how it intersects a wide variety of subjects from hybrid design, UX, social, and more. Our members and attendees represent consultants, in-house researchers, suppliers, and martech. Let’s pause for a moment and consider this: New quallies will never experience a digital-free research environment. Now is the perfect time to learn from professionals in a wide range of practices including UX, Academia, Authors, Industry Verticals, and more. Together we will tune our senses in the now tech-first environment where we live and work.

To view the original conference schedule, click here. 


Benjamin Allen's Profile

Benjamin Allen Related Seminars and Products

Labrador Agency

Benjamin started his career working third shift at a gas station in rural southeastern Ohio where he learned the value of hard work and that working hard isn’t enough. He also developed a taste for cheap coffee.

Fueled by the coffee and gas, he drove across the country and found himself working in advertising. First at W+K, then Hal Riney and FCB where he learned to take care of clients and tell compelling commercial stories. But what got him excited was uncovering the insights and crafting the strategies that could move a brand, product and message forward in a relevant and differentiated way – the advertising was just the output.

He transitioned to brand strategy and research, rising to become President of Tattoo Brand Strategy and later SVP Brand Transformation at Sterling Brands and founding partner of THINK Conservatory - all with a heavy focus on using qualitative research to drive decision-making in partnership with clients such as Oprah, Cirque du Soleil, Microsoft, Viacom, American Express, Conde Nast, NFL, Levi’s, and the Government of Costa Rica to name just a few.

Roben Allong's Profile

Roben Allong Related Seminars and Products


Lightbeam Communications

Roben Allong is founder and CEO of Lightbeam Communications, a market research and strategy boutique firm, based in New York City. Lightbeam is known for its unique cultural approach and perspectives. With over a decade of marketing research, and strategy development, as well as consumer culture and trend analysis expertise, she is an expert conductor of B2B and B2C in-person and online research methodologies.

She is an expert in brand positioning and communications, as well as, new product development, category mapping, and market exploration across a wide range of industries. Roben employs cultural intelligence to decipher and decode organization stakeholder and consumer attitudes and behavior. She is often described by her colleagues as the Oprah of the focus room. Her empathetic curiosity and cultural savvy always make for sensitive, yet energetic in-depth interviews and insightful analysis.

She is a past President of QRCA (Qualitative Research Consultants Association), Co-Founder of its Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Task Force. Roben has also been recognized as a 2024 Insights Association Laureate—a lifetime designation of distinction in the fields of market research, consumer insights, and data analytics. Roben has also moderated panels and presented on various emerging trend topics at Universities and Research conferences in the U.S. and internationally, as well as published articles on culture, consumer trends, and inclusive research methodologies.

Some of her published work include:
One Size Doesn’t Fit All: Post COVID Implications for Marketers and Market Research

Do You K.N.O.W Today’s BIPOC consumer?

Understanding Cultural Insights: The New Next Consumer Normal

The Rise of Cultural Empathy and its Implications for Marketing Research and Marketers

Kristin Ameruoso's Profile

Kristin Ameruoso Related Seminars and Products

Vice President of Qualitative Research

Recruit and Field, Inc.

Sandra Bauman's Profile

Sandra Bauman Related Seminars and Products


Bauman Research & Consulting LLC

Jill Bishop's Profile

Jill Bishop Related Seminars and Products

Multilingual Connections

No matter where in the world Jill is or what she’s doing – she’s always focusing on creating connections across languages and cultures. After studying and teaching internationally, Jill brought her PhD in Linguistic Anthropology to the corporate world, where she worked as a user researcher for Sapient and then oversaw Language, Culture & Diversity Programs for 100+ Chipotle Mexican Grill locations.

In 2005, she launched Multilingual Connections to help organizations understand, engage, and grow their multilingual audiences. Their customized services include translation, transcription, multimedia localization, and bilingual research support services. When she’s not working, Jill is spending time with her husband and teen son, renovating houses, and trying to make her garden grow.

Tasheenah Brown's Profile

Tasheenah Brown Related Seminars and Products

Lightbeam Communications

Tasheenah applies her diverse lived and professional experiences and background in Sociology to her work as a Research Analyst and Moderator. Her methodology goes beyond understanding what people think, to examining the cultural and systemic factors that influence behavior. Brown has partnered with corporations, government agencies, nonprofits, higher education institutions, and communities to advance their missions by incorporating diverse and inclusive values and products. She has more than 5 years of experience facilitating one on one interviews and focus groups with a wide variety of participants. When moderating, Brown places an emphasis on establishing a safe environment for participants to share openly and honestly, both virtually and in person.

Tasheenah has a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Sociology and a minor in Communication from Eastern Connecticut State University. For the past ten years, Tasheenah has worked to communicate the interest of underrepresented communities in the worlds of energy, education, finance, health care, and insurance. In her personal life, she is an advocate for social justice and it is her passion to create a more just and equitable world for all people.

Anaïs Dodson's Profile

Anaïs Dodson Related Seminars and Products


Anaïs’ experience lies in foundational and generative research which is used to guide cross functional team members to understand people’s beliefs, behaviors, and attitudes while building new, emerging, or improved product experiences. With 6 years working in the tech sector for companies like Google, eBay and Rodan + Fields Anaïs continues to pull from her academic background in anthropology leveraging critical theory, futures thinking, and sociolinguistics to help her stakeholders to think outside of their own worldviews.

Educated with a Masters in Applied Anthropology from Cal State East Bay and Undergraduate in Cultural Anthropology from UC Berkeley, Anais further leans on her own lived experiences ranging from military life, dual citizenship, blue and pink collar ethos, and street culture to offer multiple and marginalized perspectives.

Malena Donas Related Seminars and Products

Senior Researcher

Independent Consultant

Marc Engel's Profile

Marc Engel Related Seminars and Products

President & Founder

Engel Research Partners

Daniel Fazekas Related Seminars and Products

Bakamo Inc

Since 2016 Daniel has been the CEO of Bakamo, a qualitative social intelligence agency. Using social media, Bakamo finds human insights without asking. Daniel was trained in qualitative research at Environics and Research International. He later worked with a string of Internet technology start ups in web analytics, IndexTools (acquired by Yahoo!), social networking, Netlog, and social media monitoring, Replise, in commercial and product management functions. Prior Bakamo, Daniel co-founded, launched and exited the online video focus group platform KwaliTools.

Pam Goldfarb Liss's Profile

Pam Goldfarb Liss Related Seminars and Products

President/Big Brain

LitBrains-Igniting Ideas!

Lynn Greenberg Related Seminars and Products

Lynn Greenberg Associates/DigitalQual

Dave Hoover's Profile

Dave Hoover Related Seminars and Products

Method Insights

With over two decades of global qualitative and quantitative experience, he has dealt with his fair share of unqualified respondents. He knows first-hand the importance of speaking with qualified respondents who are capable of providing genuine, actionable input which leads to better insights. This led him to create his own solution for improving respondent quality and, ultimately, find a tool that allows him to vet respondents faster and more efficiently.

He has decades of experience in innovation, branding, and packaging research. He has conducted projects across the America’s as well as Asia, Middle East, and Europe. He is the President of Method Insights, a custom research firm specializing in Consumer-Packaged Goods.

Chris Kann's Profile

Chris Kann Related Seminars and Products


CSK Marketing, Inc.

Chris Kann’s marketing career spans over 35 years, beginning in corporate marketing roles, and including over 25 years as Principal and Owner of CSK Marketing, Inc., a market research consulting firm with an emphasis on custom qualitative research solutions. She received a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Marketing and an MBA from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. 

Chris is a Past President, Board member and Conference Co-Chair of QRCA (the Qualitative Research Consultants Association) and is a frequent presenter and published author on marketing and research topics. 

Chris is also a Registered Corporate Coach™ and presents her perspectives on career success and leadership on webinars and at leadership retreats, as well as at the CPSI (Creative Problem Solving Institute) Conference. Between 2013 and 2017, she was the Host of Mind Body Spirit Living, a lifestyle radio show and podcast with over 200 episodes available on iTunes Podcasts.

Jim Kempland's Profile

Jim Kempland Related Seminars and Products

BARE Zero Proof Spirits

The question “Why can’t I have a non-alcoholic bourbon?” began the quest for James over four years ago leading to the launch of BARE Zero Proof Spirits as Co-Founder and CEO. A spirits marketing veteran Mr. Kempland led the business integration and marketing for Angel’s Envy Bourbon during and after the Bacardi acquisition and was Managing Director for Papa’s Pilar Rum before devoting his energy to the immerging non-alcoholic spirits category.

As a business owner and marketing consultant, James’ experience spans the full food chain supply process. A food and beverage industry marketing executive for over twenty-five years, Mr. Kempland began his marketing career with the global agricultural leader, Monsanto. He then evolved into consumer packaged goods with strategic marketing responsibility and consulting with The NutraSweet Company, Brown Foreman, Diageo, Unilever, P&G, and Miller Brewing Company, in general and luxury marketing, strategic communication and brand management. On the side – he dabbles in politics.

Mr. Kempland holds a BS degree in Business Administration from Maryville University-St. Louis and a MS degree in Political Management from The George Washington University. Whether business or politics, Kempland’s belief is all consumer motivation stems from personal connection and marketing excellence is all around us – yet few know the secret.

Deborah Klotz Related Seminars and Products

Vice President, Qualitative Research

Upwords Inc.

Sidi Lemine's Profile

Sidi Lemine Related Seminars and Products

Founder and CEO

Jade Kite

Born with an outsider perspective and a deeply analytical mind, Sidi has always strived to reconcile his belief that each one of us unique with his innate perception of formal patterns of though. After 15 years in insights both client and agency side, he founded Jade Kite, an agency dedicated to enhancing empathy and intuition through Artificial Intelligence. His session will give a brief overview of how combining different AI analysis angles can greatly add to depth and robustness of established qualitative methods.

With a Masters in Artificial Intelligence from Université Paris-Jussieu, Sidi stumbled into world of market research world by setting up the first formal studies in Mauritania, West Africa. Falling in love with the process, he obtained his market research diploma from MRS and worked at several leading global qualitative agencies in London. He has conducted insights work in over 40 countries to define the strategic direction of a number of billion-dollar brands across sectors. He remains a committed futurist who believes smarter thinking and stronger technology can help us focus on what makes us human.

Sidi nació con una mirada única y una mente profundamente analítica y desde siempre se esforzó para conciliar su creencia de que cada persona es única con sus percepciones innatas y sus respectivos patrones formales de pensamiento. Luego de estar durante 15 años, tanto desde el lado del cliente como de la agencia, fundó Jade Kite, una agencia dedicada a mejorar la empatía y la intuición a través de la inteligencia artificial. En su sesión, dará un repaso general sobre cómo la combinación de diferentes ángulos de análisis de IA puede agrandar la profundidad y la solidez de los métodos cualitativos establecidos.

Luego de obtener su maestría en Inteligencia Artificial obtenida en la Universidad Pierre et Marie Curie de Paris, Sidi se encontró con el mundo de la investigación de mercado al instalar sus primeros estudios formales en Mauritania (África Occidental). Enamorándose del proceso, obtuvo su diploma de Investigación de Mercado en MRS y trabajó en varias agencias cualitativas líderes a nivel mundial en Londres. Lleva dirigidos varios trabajos de investigación en más de 40 países para definir la dirección estratégica de varias marcas multimillonarias de distintos sectores. Hoy en día sigue siendo un futurista comprometido que cree que un pensamiento más inteligente y fuerte nos puede ayudar a enfocarnos en aquello que nos hace más humanos.

Dotado de uma perspectiva externa e uma mente profundamente analítica, Sidi sempre lutou para conciliar sua crença de que cada um de nós é único com sua percepção inata de padrões formais de pensamento. Depois de 15 anos em insights, tanto do lado do cliente quanto do lado da agência, ele fundou a Jade Kite, uma agência dedicada a aprimorar a empatia e a intuição através da inteligência artificial. Sua sessão trará um breve panorama geral de como a combinação de diferentes aspectos da análise de IA pode contribuir para a profundidade e robustez de métodos qualitativos estabelecidos.

Com mestrado em Inteligência Artifical pela Université Paris-Jussieu, Sidi entrou no mundo da pesquisa de mercado ao estabelecer os primeiros estudos formais na Mauritânia, África Ocidental. Apaixonando-se pelo processo, graduou-se em Pesquisa de Mercado na MRS e trabalhou em várias agências líderes globais em pesquisa qualitativa em Londres. Conduziu trabalhos de insight em mais de 40 países, definindo a direção estratégica de várias marcas de bilhões de dólares em todos os setores. Ele continua sendo um futurista comprometido que acredita que o pensamento inteligente aliado à tecnologia mais forte podem ser úteis no enfoque do que nos faz humanos.

Frankie Lipinski's Profile

Frankie Lipinski Related Seminars and Products

Insights Analyst


Frankie is driven by the potential for purpose-driven business to change the world and is passionate about understanding brand intentions and supporting impactful strategy. Her passions center around access & empowerment, inclusive research design, and societal wellness.

Having earned her MSMR degree from Michigan State University in 2020, Frankie has experience in the full scope of research, bringing critical reflection and a holistic perspective to the strategy design and implementation of qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-methods research. She has a fascination in human thought systems having studied Psychology and Marketing as well as Leadership in Integrated Learning for her Bachelor’s degree, and is always blending empathy and analytics together in practice.

Antonio Lopez's Profile

Antonio Lopez Related Seminars and Products

Lightbeam Communications

With just over a year in the Qualitative field, Antonio Lopez has already had extensive experience in nearly every aspect of Qualitative research. Whether it is in moderating, both virtually and in-person, analysis, writing, and even recruiting, which is where our conversation today will explore. Antonio started his professional career in the arts. After 5 years working in children’s programming, he learned to utilize his empathic approach to live moderating with his respondents. With his additional experience in theatre and community engagement, Antonio has found himself able to transition his skills into qualitative research from more than just moderating, but analysis as well.

With his undergraduate degree in Political Science from Macaulay Honors College, Antonio became a part of the Qualitative Market Research profession unplanned. However, with the robust toolset that he has gathered from past experiences, and under the leadership of Lightbeam Communications, he is excited to assist companies that truly want to understand and engage their consumers in meaningful ways.


MICHAELA MORA Related Seminars and Products


Relevant Insights, LLC

Cassini Nazir's Profile

Cassini Nazir Related Seminars and Products

University of North Texas

Cassini Nazir is a designer of conversations, curricula, and interfaces. He is an Assistant Professor in the College of Visual Arts and Design at the University of North Texas, where he teaches classes in interaction design.

His current research explores how curiosity can be meaningfully infused into design processes. Because curiosity is linguistically rooted in the notion of care, he explores ways that designers can also extend care to those for whom they build as well as that which they choose to build.

In spring 2020, he was Designer-in-Residence for the SMU Masters in Design and Innovation (MADI) program.

Prior to joining UNT, Cassini taught at The University of Texas at Dallas for 10 years, where he directed two research labs. He was founding director of the Arts and Technology Usability Lab, which fosters collaborative research with community partners and offers experiential learning to students. He was also Director of Design for the ArtSciLab, a transdisciplinary research lab helping the arts, science, and technology communities by pursuing initiatives of societal urgency and cultural timeliness.

His academic projects include collaborations with art historians, astronauts, biochemists, brain scientists, futurists, materials scientists, new media artists, and a university press. He has worked with industry partners such as Toyota, Intuit, Sabre, DFW Airport, and projekt202.

Marion N. Njoroge's Profile

Marion N. Njoroge Related Seminars and Products

Frontier Consulting Services Kenya

Marion is one of the founding directors of Frontier Consulting, a Kenyan based market research agency that seeks to achieve inclusion for Africa’s consumers and markets by enabling access to quality data and insights.

This presentation speaks to Frontier’s corporate passion to showcase Africa’s Base of Pyramid (BOP) consumers as a socio-economically viable market segment. With the right insights and incentives, brands and businesses can discover new market opportunities by developing products and solutions that are responsive to this population that is part of the 4 billion consumers globally, representing a USD 5 trillion dollar consumer market. (source: The Next 4 Billion-Market Size and Business Strategy Report by World Institute & IFC)

Keyona Osborne Related Seminars and Products

C Space

People in Charlotte, NC joke that if the topic of justice is being discussed, Keyona Osborne will be there! Keyona has a unique love for data and people, which she currently combines to lead C Space’s DEI ThinkTank. After spending the last 10 years creating change in industries such as financial services, technology, higher education, and religion, she now aims to create change in the market research industry as a whole. Her session will focus on the importance of learning to hear from the underrepresented groups our industry has ignored or minimized for far too long.

Keyona has worked both client and vendor side in different research capacities, and as a consultant for several Charlotte-area nonprofits. Keyona has a Bachelor's degree in Statistics from Elon University, with a focus on social science. In her free time, she loves traveling the world and engaging with new cultures.

Pascal Patenaude's Profile

Pascal Patenaude Related Seminars and Products


Patenaude Research & Communications

Sam Place's Profile

Sam Place Related Seminars and Products

Lead Qualitative UX Researcher

Project Management Institute

Sam is a mental health therapist turned UX Researcher, who brings an empathic and person-centered approach to her work investigating user needs in digital experiences. Sam’s training in Gestalt Therapy uniquely enables her to conceptualize user behaviors and motivations, as well as quickly build rapport and connect with users on a human level.

Sam holds an MS in Clinical Psychology from Pacific University in Oregon, and an Honors BS in Psychology from Oregon State University. She has also earned a certificate in User Experience Design, issued by General Assembly in New York City.

While completing her graduate studies Sam fell in love with qualitative research and the richness of individual’s stories that can be uncovered through this kind of work. Abandoning academia with a newfound passion, Sam pivoted towards a career in technology where she could apply her love of qualitative research to inform the design and development of digital products. In her UX career Sam has always conducted research with a wide international audience. After earning her UX Design certificate, Sam worked for the city of New York’s tourism board where she was a UX Researcher for the digital face of NYC to the world - Because any person in the world with a passport is a potential user of, it was in this role that Sam became familiar conducting research with people from all over the world. Now, in her work at Project Management Institute (, Sam also works with an extremely wide audience as PMI is a global organization with 300 local chapters dispersed internationally.

Nichola Quail Related Seminars and Products

Founder and CEO

Insights Exchange

Nichola Quail is a veteran Global Insights Strategist, Research Specialist and Demography Expert. After working independently as a qualitative researcher for 10+ years, she saw an opportunity in the growth of professional services marketplaces and wanted to ensure market research had a place. Now as Founder and Director of Insights Exchange, a platform that connects businesses with a global network of on-demand researchers, Nichola has been driving ‘collective human intelligence’ for over two decades.

Her session, How Technology, Remote Working and the Rise of the Independent Specialist is Ushering a New Era for Qualitative Researchers, will cover the rise of the professional gig economy and how qualitative researchers can take advantage of this new era to build a career that works for them, while being mindful of the challenges that come with this evolution. She is passionate about the consumer technology space and presented at a number of conferences including ad:tech, iMedia, Digital Masterclassing and MMS in NZ and Australia.

Proudly Kiwi born and bred, she completed her Masters in Political Communications Studies. Then after her first graduate role in a political polling firm, she was hooked in the world of market research and the power of human connection. Nichola likes nothing more than connecting with fellow researchers and enabling more businesses to access the power of qualitative research.

Eric Santos's Profile

Eric Santos Related Seminars and Products


Eric Santos is the current Vice President of sales at VoxPoPMe, a powerful video survey and video analytics platform. Eric is the former COO and co-founder of HubUx, a research automation platform for community management, participant management, video auditions and more. VoxPopMe acquired HubUX in October 2022 in an effort to create a comprehensive qualitative research platform.

Eric is previously the CEO of Benchmark Intelligence, a consumer insights tool for brick & mortar businesses. Eric started his career in research at FocusVision (formerly Decipher) . working in a number of roles including customer success, sales, survey programming and more. When Eric isn't working on HubUX, he spends his time running trail races, boxing, writing and giving back through his non-profit Big Brother Boxing.

Andy Smith's Profile

Andy Smith Related Seminars and Products

Flowers Bakeries, LLC

Andy is the S.V.P. of Consumer Insights for Flowers Foods which markets iconic brands such as Dave’s Killer Bread, Wonder Bread, Nature’s Own and Tastykake. Prior to Flowers he has worked at Mars, Nabisco and Hershey. During his career, Andy has supported both base business and innovation. He also has international experience driving initiatives in developing markets, primarily China, Brazil, Mexico, and India.

Andy is currently on the 2022 Board of Directors of the Advertising Research Foundation and he is chairing their Creative Council initiative to help better drive creative excellence through insights. During prior years he has participated in the ARF’s Neuro 1.0 “How Advertising Work” Forum and participated in the initiative on data quality (FOQ 1&2). Andy has also been an Ogilvy advertising judge.

David Spenser, MMR Related Seminars and Products

Direct Dialogue

After more than 30 years as a qualitative researcher, David hopes he might be starting to get the hang of it. This year he has been shortlisted for the Market Research Society’s coveted Independent Consultant Award.

Throughout his career David has been known as a highly creative researcher, challenging conventional thinking and pioneering new methodologies; many have subsequently been adopted into mainstream use. At this conference he will speak of recent cutting-edge work.

He lives in deepest Suffolk, UK in an eco-house he designed and built.

Peter Totman Related Seminars and Products

Head of Qualitative Research

Jigsaw Research

eter is an experienced/seasoned/veteran (take your pick) qualitative researcher with 30 years of experience. He is still getting to grips with what qualitative research actually is – which keeps him curious!

Peter has worked in research and advertising agencies in the UK and US, and in 2005 he joined Jigsaw Research to head up its qualitative offering. Having worked across a wide range of different sectors, Peter particularly enjoys social and brand and communication work. Peter is a seasoned conference presenter and a familiar face to QRCA, MRS and ESOMAR audiences. 


Marta Villanueva's Profile

Marta Villanueva Related Seminars and Products

Chief Insights Officer

NuThinking, Inc

Marta Villanueva is a bilingual / bicultural qualitative researcher and strategist with 20+ years of experience in moderating and facilitating sessions with various group sizes, across categories, different participant types, sensitive/complex challenges, and in various locations (U.S. and internationally).? She has a proven track record advising top 100 clients, leveraging experience from 3500+ insights and strategy sessions.  

Marta earned an M.Sc. in Creativity, Creative Problem-Solving, and Change Leadership from the State University of New York.? As one of the only market research veterans with a master’s in creative studies, Marta publishes and speaks for various industry organizations. Her article “Keeping the ‘Co’ in Virtual Co-Creation” made the cover of QRCA VIEWS magazine’s winter 2020 edition. 

Marta has served QRCA in many roles, including co-chairing the first ever 2021 QRCA Virtual Annual Conference. Marta was the featured opening speaker for the QRCA 2022 conference in San Diego and was the 2015 QRCA Maryanne Pflug Spirit Award Winner. She lives in Texas.  

Bronwen Ward's Profile

Bronwen Ward Related Seminars and Products

Vice President, Insights

Upwords Inc.

Gloria Watson's Profile

Gloria Watson Related Seminars and Products


Gloria Watson is a Research Manager at HatchTank and has close to 15 years experience in Market Research. She has established expertise in online methodologies and loves the continuous learning that comes with practicing as a research generalist.

With a passion for helping clients solve their business problems, Gloria strives to always put herself in their shoes. Her empathic approach mean she can quickly connect with clients and participants, yielding collaborative work experiences with clients and richer responses from participants. She blends innovative approaches with classic analysis to deliver dynamic, story-led reports.

Jay Zaltzman's Profile

Jay Zaltzman Related Seminars and Products


Bureau West: Facilitating Growth

Janet Standen's Profile

Janet Standen Related Seminars and Products


Scoot Insights

Janet Standen turns questions into directions fast - through bringing fresh qualitative insights to brands & businesses in an accelerated process that does not compromise depth of learning. As Co-Founder of Scoot Insights, she leverages over 30 years of consumer & B2B marketing experience to unearth insights that are relevant and actionable, to help management teams make more powerful decisions. Janet is a customer-driven innovation, brand positioning, communication & team facilitation specialist, with a breadth of research experience gained working in the US and in the UK/Europe across many categories and target audiences.

Janet served on the board of QRCA for 4 years and was the 2022 President’s Award recipient for outstanding service to the qualitative research industry and community. She is Co-Chair of the QRCA UX SIG. Janet is Co-Founder and remains actively involved in MRxPros.