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Sliding Doors: Listening to Our Low-Income Communities

Total Credits: .5 Advance Credits

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Research Design
Kristin Howell
30 Minutes
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Mar 22, 2023


Even low-income people are digitally connected. As Kristin learned, those who are homebound in domestic shelters or living in far-flung rural locations or subsidized housing still have access via smartphones and tablets (occasionally computers) to be heard and share their voices remotely. It takes the right researcher for the job, one who can think outside the box and put the time in to find these needles in the haystack, gain their trust BEFORE the interview starts, and then use strong empathy and listening skills while moderating to get these often unheard consumers to be heard.



Kristin Howell's Profile

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Beacon Research

Kristin has three decades of marketing and market research experience, including both client-side brand management at Procter & Gamble and agency-side strategic planning at two ad agencies. She launched her own consumer insights consultancy, Beacon Research, in 2000. She is a pioneer and thought leader in online and mobile research and was dubbed the “Queen of Cool Research” by her peers long before Zoom became a household brand.

Kristin is a past QRCA Vice President and founding long-term Chair of QRCA’s Online Special Interest Group. Her work focuses heavily on new product innovation, branding, shopper insights, communications research, and website/mobile app development. Personally, she is the older sister/acting parent of her Down’s Syndrome brother, which makes her more sensitive to championing the voice of the underrepresented. Kristin is also the mom of two successfully launched young adults, a pickleball fanatic, and a lifelong boater.