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On Demand

Total Credits: 1.0 Advance Credits

Average Rating:
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Business Practices |  Consulting |  Professionalism
Cheryl Stella Dalisay
1 Hour 6 Minutes
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Jun 06, 2019
Short Description:
Particularly for younger researchers, many career trajectories will include segments of both in house and consulting positions. Given the inherent differences between those two, navigating the changes in roles and responsibilities can be a steep learning curve. In this YCast, we'll cover the nuance of the research process in each, including the unique challenges to be aware of when it comes to strategy, planning, recruiting, execution, synthesis, delivery, and more.
$0.00 - Non-Member Price

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On Demand

Total Credits: 1 Advance Credits

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Communication |  Consulting |  Research Design
Daniel Berkal
1 Hour
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Jan 29, 2020
Short Description:
For those QRCs that work in communications, these people will become your future clients. But the world has rapidly changed. Different tools are available. The age of creative-test focus groups may be over. What are these people looking for in their qualitative research? What kinds of methodologies and approaches are most valuable to them? What are the needs of the modern creative industry? This workshop will be co-led by Ryan Romero, an industry leader who teaches the Texas Creative program and will incorporate several current students who are at the leading edge of advertising in a structured forum to help Quallies meet the needs of Creatives and vice versa. We all have lots to learn from each other.
$50.00 - Non-Member Price

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On Demand

Total Credits: 1 Advance Credits

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Consulting |  Project Management
Susan Saurage-Altenloh
1 Hour
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Jan 29, 2020
Short Description:
Positive relationships between moderators, recruiters, and facilities are paramount to every qualitative research success story. The entire industry relies upon this symbiosis. However, constantly decreasing budgets and ever tighter timelines are just some of the factors putting relationships to the test. This presentation will reveal the results of our own qualitative research with moderators, recruiters, and facility owners to understand what they see as the biggest issues affecting the relationships between all of us and how to solve them.
$0.00 - Non-Member Price

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On Demand

Total Credits: 1 Advance Credits

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Business Practices |  Consulting
Randi Stillman |  Rick Weitzer
56 Minutes
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Jan 30, 2020
Short Description:
If “the most human company wins” in our chaotic, competitive marketplace (as Mark Schaefer wrote in Marketing Rebellion), qualitative researchers are well-positioned to help. Whether or not we have a seat at our ideal client’s table, we dwell at the intersection of marketing, strategy, and humanity. Our value is rooted in the connections we form with both our clients and respondents to reveal real-world insights about the human experience. QRCs are wrestling with new realities – such as global business uncertainty, fragmentation in the “insights” space, and in-house DIY research – mostly shaped by the disruption of technology, which makes the job of humanizing business decisions very challenging. These new realities have far-reaching implications for us, demanding that we proactively adapt and create new opportunities and avenues to deliver value to businesses and organizations.
$0.00 - Non-Member Price

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On Demand

Total Credits: 1 Advance Credits

Average Rating:
Analysis & Reporting |  Consulting |  Research Design
Lisa Strick
59 minutes
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Jan 30, 2020
Short Description:
Through this session you will learn how human experience research became the driver of successful new product ideation. We will focus on how we captured and shared the findings from low-budget primary and secondary research to help the client team better empathize with the humans (and their pets) who will be using their products. We will share how we leveraged the insights captured to bring the client team closer to the human truth; and, how we illuminated consumer stories to create custom brainstorming techniques that inspired breakthrough ideas.
$50.00 - Non-Member Price

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On Demand

Total Credits: .5 Advance Credits

Average Rating:
Analysis & Reporting |  Consulting
Silvana di Gregorio
27 minutes
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Jan 31, 2020
Short Description:
We live an in age of artificial intelligence, where algorithms make suggestions to us and even make decisions that impact us. Evolving technology is giving us unprecedented access to more data sources than ever before and changing the way businesses gather and treat data in research. The presentation will explore these evolving tools and discuss how QRCs can harness these tools to better support our work and get to deeper insights. We will discuss different considerations for qualitative researchers.
$50.00 - Non-Member Price

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On Demand

Total Credits: 1 Advance Credits

Average Rating:
Consulting |  Research Design
Kendall Nash
1 hour
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Jul 30, 2020
Short Description:
It’s been said that the pandemic has not been so much a disruption, but rather an acceleration of things that were already on their way somewhere new. While that may not be completely true of everything, certainly the technology we use, the way we shop, order food, and engage with brands shifted drastically in just a few weeks. To help brands win in this new landscape, we need to recognize the ways in which the marketing funnel has shifted – and the implications of that on who, how, and when we research. Customer Experience (CX) is built around the usefulness, usability, and enjoyment people have engaging with products and brands, yet the playbook has changed significantly in how consumers gauge these three components.
$0.00 - Non-Member Price

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Business Practices |  Consulting |  Moderating/Facilitation |  Project Management |  Research Design
Jennifer Dale |  Shannon Danzy |  Michelle Finzel |  Pam Goldfarb Liss |  Frank Gregory |  Kayte Hamilton |  Kristi Jackson, Ph.D. |  Katrina Noelle |  ....
Approx. 7 Hours
Original Program Date:
Sep 01, 2020
Short Description:
The online qualitative toolkit has grown tremendously over the past 20 years, with new digital methodologies vastly expanding the ways we talk to consumers. No longer are we limited to just chat groups or messages boards; today’s digital toolkit includes everything from real-time virtual focus groups to remote ethnography and even social media listening. Mastering these tools is critical for today’s qualitative researchers.
$149.00 - Non-Member Price

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On Demand

Total Credits: 1 Advance Credits

Average Rating:
Analysis & Reporting |  Communication |  Consulting
Kayte Hamilton |  Frank Gregory
1 Hour
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Sep 24, 2020
Short Description:
Every day, millions of consumers share their experiences, perceptions, opinions, and actions from the comfort of their couch. These conversations are happening in real-time on social media channels, blogs, forums and in news site commentary. When in-person research methods aren’t possible…and even once they are again…one way to get an immediate baseline read on consumer wants, needs, sentiment, emotion, timing and influence on a research topic is through social conversation analysis. In this module, the presenters will share why social media conversation analysis is important to researchers, what information is available (teaser: it's not just social media channels!), how to talk about it with clients, and what it takes to get started.
$25.00 - Non-Member Price

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On Demand

Total Credits: 1 Advance Credits

Average Rating:
Communication |  Consulting |  Moderating/Facilitation
Criscillia Benford, BA, MA, Ph.D. |  Ana Marie Trester
90 Minutes
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Oct 13, 2020
Short Description:
We use it every day. It’s eminently powerful, yet most of us hardly ever think about it. Language. It’s foundational and dynamic. It lies at the heart of connection—or at least it can. What we say, what we intend, and how it’s interpreted—sometimes they all align for shared understanding; other times they don’t, and that can lead to conflict. conflict. If we don’t understand each other, how can we have the honest dialogue that’s needed to navigate the complex issues of the day—or even the simple interactions? How else can we build the foundations for healing and growth?
$25.00 - Non-Member Price

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