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On Demand

Total Credits: .5 Advance Credits

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Communication |  Moderating/Facilitation |  Professionalism
Frankie Lipinski
15 Minutes
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Mar 24, 2023
Short Description:
In this session, Frankie will share on behalf of the Insights Association's IDEA Council what to consider when asking about gender identity and sexual orientation for qualitative recruiting and respondent engagement. Often we are going with the default when asking about a person's identity, which can be disaffirming or misaligned to how they identify and negatively impact their research experience with us. The IDEA Council has been working on a collaborative industry initiative to shed light on asking demographic questions inclusively and thoughtfully, and these are the results.
$20.00 - Non-Member Price

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On Demand

Total Credits: .5 Advance Credits

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Business Practices
Roben Allong
34 Minutes
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Mar 24, 2023
Short Description:
Ask yourself this question—are you and your team ready, informed, and equipped to meet the changing demography, the cultural evolution and its challenges head-on?
$20.00 - Non-Member Price

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On Demand

Total Credits: .5 Advance Credits

Average Rating:
Not yet rated
Deborah Klotz |  Bronwen Ward
20 Minutes
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Mar 24, 2023
Short Description:
Our team will take you through an overview of how we built our successful UXR “relationship” through a continuous, rolling research process. In our session we will share our learning with you through tips and tools that have contributed to our success, as well as some of the challenges to watch out for along the way AND our strategies for mitigating them. Attendees will walk away emPOWERed to leverage the tools and processes we share in any qualitative study with confidence.
$20.00 - Non-Member Price

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On Demand

Total Credits: 1 Advance Credits

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Susan Newhouse
1 Hour
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Feb 03, 2021
Short Description:
Over the past several months we've had to change how we operate in the world. Think of it as a gift...not only do we have an opportunity to "reboot" our lives, we can also renegotiate how we want to show up as leaders. But what makes a great leader, and what uniquely makes YOU a great leader? During this hands-on workshop, you will envision your highest self as a leader and begin crafting your leadership story.
$30.00 - Non-Member Price

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On Demand

Total Credits: 1 Advance Credits

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Moderating/Facilitation |  Research Design
Paula Rosecky |  Jyo Maan
50 Minutes
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Feb 03, 2021
Short Description:
Qualitative researchers are a powerhouse of knowledge and perspectives. Imagine what we could accomplish if we put our heads together to face the next move forward in the social justice movement! How might we better pitch inclusive research? How might we pull from our collective knowledge and wisdom to elevate the conversation and activate change? In this highly interactive, facilitated session we will tap into the diversity of our collective thought to ideate on ways qualitative researchers can continue to act. We will introduce the virtual “room” to trusted facilitation tools (micro structures) that allow all stories to emerge in a respectful, open, conversational way, using human centered design principles applied in design thinking and education to gather new ideas and data.
$30.00 - Non-Member Price

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On Demand

Total Credits: 1 Advance Credits

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Business Practices
Karen Lynch
27 Minutes
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Feb 03, 2021
$25.00 - Non-Member Price

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On Demand

Total Credits: 1 Advance Credits

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Business Practices
Laurie Tema-Lyn |  Jim Bryson |  Ellen Good |  J. Robert Harris |  Judy Langer |  Bonnie Perry
1 Hour
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Feb 03, 2021
Short Description:
The Emeritus SIG is thrilled to propose a panel presentation and discussion for the Virtual track of the annual QRCA Conference.  Our diverse panel of five is comprised of long-standing legacy members of QRCA and perhaps lesser-known qualitative experts. Panelists are: Jim Bryson, Ellen Good, JR Harris, Judy Langer, and Bonnie Perry. They embody a range of exciting and diverse paths: wilderness trekker/ author/speaker, health and life insurance broker/educator, an adjunct professor at Wharton, a docent with the Holocaust Museum Houston, the Executive Director of the Center for Learning and Living, the Tennessee Deputy Commissioner of the Bureau of Parks & Conservation. Each panelist has a unique story to tell of how they used skills cultivated during their career as a QRC, their personal vision and fortitude to create satisfying new endeavors with or without remuneration. Their journeys have not been seamless; there have been challenges, learning and re-directs along the way.
$30.00 - Non-Member Price

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On Demand

Total Credits: 1.0 Advance Credits

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Analysis & Reporting |  Moderating/Facilitation
Chris Kann
43 Minutes
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Feb 02, 2021
Short Description:
In research, we can feel caught in the tension between achieving research objectives we have been tasked with, while also staying present with respondents and listening in the moment. We are charged with taking in what those we are interviewing have to say, without jumping ahead to premature conclusions or assumptions. It can become a balance of driving to an objective or conclusion, while also allowing the information to come to us authentically. Taking time to discover new ways of thinking about how we can best prepare for this important role of listening and receiving data from a neutral mindset can lead to more clarity in our analysis.
$25.00 - Non-Member Price

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On Demand

Total Credits: 1.0 Advance Credits

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Nikhita Ghugari |  Swar Raisinghani
46 Minutes
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Feb 02, 2021
Short Description:
Jugaad is an innovation mindset and also a way of problem-solving in daily life in India. It loosely translates to ‘Hack’ in English, but in India, for everything that may seem difficult to do, you will very commonly hear someone say ‘Let’s find a Jugaad’ - a creative way around the system. Jugaad solutions are born out of constraints in resources and through resilience, and are therefore, very creative in their approach and design. While Jugaad has been criticised for its limitations with scalability, company leaders and innovators have sought to make it a part of the formal innovation process to capture its essence of resilience, creativity and fast problem-solving. Through our talk, we want to highlight Jugaad as a fresh approach for a resource-constrained future that will require us to live a minimal, carbon-neutral lifestyle.
$25.00 - Non-Member Price

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On Demand

Total Credits: 1 Advance Credits

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Communication |  Consulting
Julie Knox
42 Minutes
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Feb 02, 2021
Short Description:
The Chinese word for crisis is composed of two characters — 危机 — one signifying ‘danger’ and one signifying ‘opportunity.’ We have begun to see this duality play out in the way that brands are being judged, and their reputations and images changed, by how they have been behaving and communicating not just in response to the pandemic, but also in response to the recent wave of protests for racial justice. Insights from our newly launched WhatsApp Community of consumers and small business owners, show that people are displaying a heightened sensitivity to how ‘corporate America’ is behaving and which ‘side’ companies are on – with a new landscape of heroes and villains emerging. Understanding how people are assessing brands in this climate of heightened moral judgement could give companies a crucial advantage in terms of driving their responses and framing their messaging.
$25.00 - Non-Member Price

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