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Mastering a "Next Level" Moderator Mindset

Total Credits: 1.0 Advance Credits

Average Rating:
Analysis & Reporting |  Moderating/Facilitation
Chris Kann
43 Minutes
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Feb 02, 2021


In research, we can feel caught in the tension between achieving research objectives we have been tasked with, while also staying present with respondents and listening in the moment. We are charged with taking in what those we are interviewing have to say, without jumping ahead to premature conclusions or assumptions. It can become a balance of driving to an objective or conclusion, while also allowing the information to come to us authentically. Taking time to discover new ways of thinking about how we can best prepare for this important role of listening and receiving data from a neutral mindset can lead to more clarity in our analysis.

This presentation provides facilitators and moderators of all levels of experience with insights, tools, tips and techniques on how they can become a truly objective and open listener and analyst when guiding research interviews. At a time when we are all experiencing extreme polarity in communications and in the media, we can lose sight of our own patterns and tendencies. Attendee’s current habits of listening and interacting with respondents will be considered and revisited, with new perspectives from the worlds of psychology and coaching presented for consideration. 



Chris Kann's Profile

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CSK Marketing, Inc.

Chris Kann’s marketing career spans over 35 years, beginning in corporate marketing roles, and including over 25 years as Principal and Owner of CSK Marketing, Inc., a market research consulting firm with an emphasis on custom qualitative research solutions. She received a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Marketing and an MBA from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. 

Chris is a Past President, Board member and Conference Co-Chair of QRCA (the Qualitative Research Consultants Association) and is a frequent presenter and published author on marketing and research topics. 

Chris is also a Registered Corporate Coach™ and presents her perspectives on career success and leadership on webinars and at leadership retreats, as well as at the CPSI (Creative Problem Solving Institute) Conference. Between 2013 and 2017, she was the Host of Mind Body Spirit Living, a lifestyle radio show and podcast with over 200 episodes available on iTunes Podcasts.