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On Demand

Total Credits: 1 Advance Credits

Average Rating:
Analysis & Reporting |  Communication |  Consulting
Kayte Hamilton |  Frank Gregory
1 Hour
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Sep 24, 2020
Short Description:
Every day, millions of consumers share their experiences, perceptions, opinions, and actions from the comfort of their couch. These conversations are happening in real-time on social media channels, blogs, forums and in news site commentary. When in-person research methods aren’t possible…and even once they are again…one way to get an immediate baseline read on consumer wants, needs, sentiment, emotion, timing and influence on a research topic is through social conversation analysis. In this module, the presenters will share why social media conversation analysis is important to researchers, what information is available (teaser: it's not just social media channels!), how to talk about it with clients, and what it takes to get started.
$25.00 - Non-Member Price

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On Demand

Total Credits: 1 Advance Credits

Average Rating:
Analysis & Reporting |  Communication |  Moderating/Facilitation |  Research Design
Isabel Aneyba
1 Hour
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Oct 08, 2020
Short Description:
Empathy is at the heart of qualitative research. Yet many factors can undermine understanding respondents, especially when working with participants from different cultures or groups that have been historically marginalized. Whether we’re conscious of them or not, these factors can discourage respondents from sharing their experiences and perspectives – and hinder our efforts to uncover critical insights for business growth.
$0.00 - Non-Member Price

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On Demand

Total Credits: 1 Advance Credits

Average Rating:
Communication |  Consulting |  Moderating/Facilitation
Criscillia Benford, BA, MA, Ph.D. |  Ana Marie Trester
90 Minutes
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Oct 13, 2020
Short Description:
We use it every day. It’s eminently powerful, yet most of us hardly ever think about it. Language. It’s foundational and dynamic. It lies at the heart of connection—or at least it can. What we say, what we intend, and how it’s interpreted—sometimes they all align for shared understanding; other times they don’t, and that can lead to conflict. conflict. If we don’t understand each other, how can we have the honest dialogue that’s needed to navigate the complex issues of the day—or even the simple interactions? How else can we build the foundations for healing and growth?
$25.00 - Non-Member Price

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On Demand

Total Credits: 1 Advance Credits

Average Rating:
Research Design |  Project Management
Shannon Danzy |  Fiona Ray
1 Hour
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Sep 23, 2020
Short Description:
Does online qual feel unapproachable? What does the set-up of online and in-person projects have in common, and how are they different? And how does one even get started? Learn how thoughtful design, careful planning, and clean recruiting will maximize your project’s chance for success. Hear true tales and tips from longtime QRCA members. After this session, you’ll have the knowledge and confidence to be ready to launch your first online project.
$25.00 - Non-Member Price

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On Demand

Total Credits: 1 Advance Credits

Average Rating:
Analysis & Reporting
Michelle Finzel |  Pam Goldfarb Liss |  Kristi Jackson, Ph.D. |  Katrina Noelle |  Maria Virobik |  Rob Volpe
90 Minutes
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Sep 30, 2020
Short Description:
The amount of data we gather in some qualitative studies can be overwhelming – especially data from multi-day message boards. Traditional methods of analysis are functional, but they can be time-consuming. Digital tools can assist in the process. This webinar will begin with a quick review of traditional (no-tech or low-tech) tools, then will expose you to a sampling of higher-tech tools (Delve, NVivo, Reduct, and Relative Insight), explained by the QRCA members who use them. This will not be a how-to session; rather, it is “tasting menu” of some of the tools that can make the analysis of qualitative data less daunting.
$50.00 - Non-Member Price

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On Demand

Total Credits: 1 Advance Credits

Average Rating:
Business Practices
Tonise Paul
1 Hour
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Feb 01, 2021
$30.00 - Non-Member Price

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On Demand

Total Credits: 0.5 Advance Credits

Average Rating:
Communication |  Consulting
Andy Cooper
23 Minutes
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Feb 01, 2021
Short Description:
Research is only as insightful as it is impactful. When designing our vision for Qualitative Research business impact should be our north star, especially in a world of tightened budgets. Andy will explore how we can better enable our work to ‘go viral’; living on and traveling far and wide within client organizations.
$25.00 - Non-Member Price

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On Demand

Total Credits: 0.5 Advance Credits

Average Rating:
Communication |  Consulting
Michele Ronsen |  Janet Standen
30 Minutes
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Feb 01, 2021
Short Description:
Are UX and MR two professions divided by different languages, or could we speak the same language just with a different accent!? UX/MRX are in flux. Historically independent silos are converging. Collaboration has never been more important yet sometimes it seems as if we don’t speak the same language, at least well enough to fully understand one another. Some a-ha moments underscored the need for a shared vocabulary. We led people to participate in a global, grassroots effort to begin a codified language. The result is the beginning of the UXR Lexicon: a living, certified dictionary of Research, Design and Marketing terms for everyone. The collaboration also inspired a friendship across professional lines. As we debated and discussed terms, we continually asked ourselves “do we speak a different language, have a slightly different interpretation of the same words or just have a different accent?”
$25.00 - Non-Member Price

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On Demand

Total Credits: 0.5 Advance Credits

Average Rating:
Consulting |  Research Design
Rodrigo dos Reis
26 Minutes
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Feb 01, 2021
Short Description:
The most successful brands connect with consumers beyond customer experience and product performance — by taking action on issues relevant to their values. And our relationships with brands is increasingly affected by these personal values, especially among the younger generations. In this session, we showcase the groundbreaking work we did in Brazil leveraging AI to investigate what Brazilians expect from brands in terms of social action, and which social issues have the most positive potential impact across different categories. This session will be an opportunity to discuss the role of brands on social issues and how to apply new technology-powered approaches. Come learn how a similar approach could help you advise clients on how to strengthen their customer relationships!
$25.00 - Non-Member Price

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On Demand

Total Credits: 0.5 Advance Credits

Average Rating:
Consulting |  Research Design
David Evans, Ph.D.
30 Minutes
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Feb 01, 2021
Short Description:
Due to cognitive biases, a frictionless user experience might have less impact on brand perceptions than we want to admit. The teachings of Nobel prize winner and founder of behavioral economics, Daniel Kahneman, tell us that designing for brand memories is very different than designing for user experience. This talk is about how to be delightfully indelible even with the ever-present risk of being frictionlessly forgettable. See how Microsoft tested these assumptions with telemetry and data science, showing that there is a 14X greater ROI for creating peak moments than eliminating pit moments from brand memories.
$25.00 - Non-Member Price

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