Total Credits: 0.5 Advance Credits
The most successful brands connect with consumers beyond customer experience and product performance — by taking action on issues relevant to their values. And our relationships with brands is increasingly affected by these personal values, especially among the younger generations. In this session, we showcase the groundbreaking work we did in Brazil leveraging AI to investigate what Brazilians expect from brands in terms of social action, and which social issues have the most positive potential impact across different categories. This session will be an opportunity to discuss the role of brands on social issues and how to apply new technology-powered approaches. Come learn how a similar approach could help you advise clients on how to strengthen their customer relationships!
Presentation Slides (2.8 MB) | 13 Pages | Available after Purchase |
Rodrigo dos Reis is an enthusiastic big picture thinker who is constantly focused on the future. In his 15+ years of experience with several perspectives of market research, he’s built a reputation of providing innovative solutions to address business issues through research, as well as supporting the implementation of consumer-centered initiatives. His experience working with consumer trends gives him a global perspective on consumer culture. He founded Zeitgeist, an innovation-oriented market research company, in 2011 and has worked with a wide range of categories in local, regional and international studies.