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Total Credits: 1 Advance Credits

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Not yet rated
Communication |  Consulting |  Moderating/Facilitation
Gary Rudman
1 Hour
Short Description:
In this immersive session, Gary explores the Gen Z mindset, highlighting their generationally distinct approach to navigating the world. We will secure insights on how to engage Gen Z effectively and learn how they prioritize their worldview, demand change, and filter their lives through a digital lens.
$25.00 - Non-Member Price

Wed, Jul 10, 2024 - 10:00am to 11:00am PDT

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On Demand

Total Credits: 1.0 Advance Credits

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Analysis & Reporting |  Moderating/Facilitation
Chris Kann
43 Minutes
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Feb 02, 2021
Short Description:
In research, we can feel caught in the tension between achieving research objectives we have been tasked with, while also staying present with respondents and listening in the moment. We are charged with taking in what those we are interviewing have to say, without jumping ahead to premature conclusions or assumptions. It can become a balance of driving to an objective or conclusion, while also allowing the information to come to us authentically. Taking time to discover new ways of thinking about how we can best prepare for this important role of listening and receiving data from a neutral mindset can lead to more clarity in our analysis.
$25.00 - Non-Member Price

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On Demand

Total Credits: 1 Advance Credits

Average Rating:
Moderating/Facilitation |  Research Design
Paula Rosecky |  Jyo Maan
50 Minutes
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Feb 03, 2021
Short Description:
Qualitative researchers are a powerhouse of knowledge and perspectives. Imagine what we could accomplish if we put our heads together to face the next move forward in the social justice movement! How might we better pitch inclusive research? How might we pull from our collective knowledge and wisdom to elevate the conversation and activate change? In this highly interactive, facilitated session we will tap into the diversity of our collective thought to ideate on ways qualitative researchers can continue to act. We will introduce the virtual “room” to trusted facilitation tools (micro structures) that allow all stories to emerge in a respectful, open, conversational way, using human centered design principles applied in design thinking and education to gather new ideas and data.
$30.00 - Non-Member Price

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On Demand

Total Credits: 0.5 Advance Credits

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Michelle Finzel |  Missy Carvin
29 Minutes
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Feb 03, 2021
Short Description:
Through the presenters’ very real, honest, and often hilarious life examples, as well as interviews with other QRCs who are parents of kids with special needs, we will explore the connections between parenting a kid with special needs and excelling as a qualitative researcher.
$25.00 - Non-Member Price

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On Demand

Total Credits: 0.5 Advance Credits

Average Rating:
Analysis & Reporting |  Moderating/Facilitation |  Research Design
Ellen Kolsto
27 Minutes
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Feb 03, 2021
Short Description:
In this session, you will learn how User Research and Design Thinking techniques can work together to help a team focus on utilizing data-driven insights to solve a problem. Using a real world example, you’ll follow one team’s journey to improve the usage of their online software experience. Along the way, you will see how Design Thinking enabled the team to respond in a more agile manner as they created an entirely new hands-on user experience that will help change the future of computing as we know it.
$25.00 - Non-Member Price

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On Demand

Total Credits: 0.5 Advance Credits

Average Rating:
Analysis & Reporting |  Moderating/Facilitation |  Research Design
Lisa Strick
26 Minutes
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Feb 05, 2021
Short Description:
Most market researchers play an important role in one or two phases of the innovation process, but they rarely get to experience all phases. This session will feature a case study highlighting how our team implemented the complete Human-Centered Design (HCD) process – virtually. We harnessed HCD methodologies and digital tools to collaborate online and interview a range of experts and consumers, all with no budget. By leveraging tools such as MURAL, Slack, Google Forms, Zoom, and we successfully conducted research, synthesized learnings, brainstormed ideas, developed solutions, and identified potential partners for implementation. You’ll see how a team of four women with varied experience used diversity of thought to approach the important issue of harassment and discrimination in a new way.
$25.00 - Non-Member Price

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On Demand

Total Credits: 0.5 Advance Credits

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Jessica Broome |  Julia Strohm
25 Minutes
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Feb 05, 2021
Short Description:
A creative, safe, focused space.  What are we describing here? A successful focus group  environment-- and also a mind that has become quiet and powerful through meditation. When we engage in meditation, we bring ourselves to a place of clarity and calm. This is precisely the mind we need to employ in order to authentically connect with our respondents. Through practicing meditation, we are primed to listen in new ways. We open ourselves up to be able to slip into the shoes of others, to develop empathy and understanding – and appreciation – of where others are coming from. An open-hearted mind engenders trust, which leads to better focus groups and better client relationships.
$25.00 - Non-Member Price

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On Demand

Total Credits: 0.5 Advance Credits

Average Rating:
Moderating/Facilitation |  Project Management |  Research Design
Wendy Godfrey
34 Minutes
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Feb 05, 2021
Short Description:
Hear about the unique trials surrounding the development and execution of 14 focus groups, each with a different vulnerable population, talking about a highly sensitive and personal issue. While the topic was delicate and often considered taboo, the conversation had to take place. It served as the foundation of the state's 5-year strategic plan on Sexual Violence Prevention. Questions we asked ourselves: How do we find willing participants? What is the best way to connect with these audiences? Who should we partner with to gain trust and ensure candor among participants? What we learned may surprise you. 
$25.00 - Non-Member Price

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On Demand

Total Credits: 1.0 Advance Credits

Average Rating:
Not yet rated
Communication |  Moderating/Facilitation
Michael Doody
44 Minutes
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Feb 05, 2021
Short Description:
Want to know the fastest way to make a creative person sweat? Mention the words qualitative research. Or ask them if they would like some feedback on their idea? Well what I recently learned by training with a 70-year-old dancer and choreographer may just change that forever. A simple 5-step process can help you to glean more insights while feeding creative ideas to make them bigger. And when you help ideas get bigger and stringer you'll have creative people begging to be a part of qualitative research again.
$25.00 - Non-Member Price

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On Demand

Total Credits: 1 Advance Credits

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Michael Tucker
40 Minutes
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Feb 02, 2021
Short Description:
The world’s best interviewers are not always qualitative researchers (although most of them are!). Sometimes they are talk show hosts, podcasters, journalist, or even hostage negotiators. So who are your favorite interviewers and what do they do that enables them to inform and entertain us? Michael Tucker will share some of his favorites but come prepared with some of your own and some observations about their “techniques” and styles.
$25.00 - Non-Member Price

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