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Inclusivity Is Messy: A Panel of Experienced Moderators Spill the Tea on Inclusive Moderating

Total Credits: 1 Advance Credits

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Analysis & Reporting |  Moderating/Facilitation |  Research Design
Pam Goldfarb Liss |  Chris Hauck |  Roben Allong
54 Minutes
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Feb 04, 2021


Three experienced guides: Pam Goldfarb Liss, Chris Hauck, and Roben Allong will share their how-to tips and tricks on making both the moderating and insights journey more inclusive for clients, respondents and yourself. If you’re in the weeds, feel uncomfortable, or just need confirmation on ways to successfully manage inclusivity — this is the panel for you. Expect to hear relevant real world experiences and key takeaways for next level toolbox agility.



Pam Goldfarb Liss's Profile

Pam Goldfarb Liss Related Seminars and Products

President/Big Brain

LitBrains-Igniting Ideas!

Pam Goldfarb Liss (she/her), a 30-year veteran researcher, loves the always-changing-never-knowing-what’s-coming-next elements of moderating and facilitating creative consumer discussions, especially with kids and teens! With over three decades of experience working with Fortune 100 brands and non-profits, Pam has seen a lot shift in families especially around gender and family structure. Watching now three generations (Millennial, Gen Z and now Gen Alpha) of consumer kids grow up; she knows that the only constant is change. Pam also realizes that curiosity and comfort are about staying open and bravely asking. Pam spent more than a decade living on the east coast in New York City and Washington DC, and she returned ‘home’ to be with her family in colder, but kinder Minneapolis to live with her east-coast bred husband and Gen Z/Alpha cusper daughter. 

Chris Hauck's Profile

Chris Hauck Related Seminars and Products



For over 35 years, Chris Hauck has honed his research skills across many categories, including telecom, IT, medical products, hospitality, and consulting. Chris opened HauckEye in 2020, dedicated to experiential research based on observing consumers in real environments.  

Chris has been involved in QRCA conference planning and speaker selection for the last several years, including serving as co-chair of both the 2024 QRCA Conference in Denver and the 2025 QRCA Conference in Philadelphia. 

Chris has an MBA from Texas Christian University in Ft. Worth, TX, and lives in Colorado.  

Roben Allong's Profile

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Lightbeam Communications (M\WBE)

Roben Allong is founder and CEO of Lightbeam Communications, a market research and strategy boutique firm, based in New York City. Lightbeam is known for its unique cultural approach and perspectives. With over a decade of marketing research, and strategy development, as well as consumer culture and trend analysis expertise, she is an expert conductor of B2B and B2C in-person and online research methodologies.

She is an expert in brand positioning and communications, as well as, new product development, category mapping, and market exploration across a wide range of industries. Roben employs cultural intelligence to decipher and decode organization stakeholder and consumer attitudes and behavior. She is often described by her colleagues as the Oprah of the focus room. Her empathetic curiosity and cultural savvy always make for sensitive, yet energetic in-depth interviews and insightful analysis.

She is a past President of QRCA (Qualitative Research Consultants Association), Co-Founder of its Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Task Force. Roben has also been recognized as a 2024 Insights Association Laureate—a lifetime designation of distinction in the fields of market research, consumer insights, and data analytics. Roben has also moderated panels and presented on various emerging trend topics at Universities and Research conferences in the U.S. and internationally, as well as published articles on culture, consumer trends, and inclusive research methodologies.

Some of her published work include:
One Size Doesn’t Fit All: Post COVID Implications for Marketers and Market Research

Do You K.N.O.W Today’s BIPOC consumer?

Understanding Cultural Insights: The New Next Consumer Normal

The Rise of Cultural Empathy and its Implications for Marketing Research and Marketers