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Autoethnography: Real Human Real Quick

Total Credits: 1 Advance Credits

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Moderating/Facilitation |  Research Design
Scott Koenig, MBA |  Jenny Karubian
56 minutes
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Jan 30, 2020


When respondents become storytellers, things get human real quick. When respondents are given the opportunity to tell their narratives as they experience them, our biases as researchers take a backseat. Autoethnography turns the research enterprise on its head: We participate in their research, they take control and tell their own stories. We coach from the sidelines, while respondents are front and center. Autoethnography is a relatively new methodology for consumer research. It differs from journaling in that it allows the market research team to connect more deeply with the consumer through the peeling back of multiple layers of consciousness, thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. In this presentation, we discuss how autoethnography differs from other, more conventional methods. This presentation will contain a case study that shows a side by side comparison of autoethnography and journaling. This case study will demonstrate the nuances of autoethnography. The session will be ideal for qualies who are interested in learning new methodologies they can add to their toolkits.


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Milepost 12 Consulting

Scott Koenig is the founder of MRXology, a market research consultancy that bridges market research theory with innovative qualitative and quantitative solutions to help companies more fully hear, understand, and interpret the voice of the consumer. Scott was an early adopter of online qualitative research and online market research communities. He has also taught marketing and business courses for Western Governor’s University, Brigham Young University and Texas Wesleyan University and has been published in industry publications Quirks, Views, and Vue.


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Ready to Launch Research

Jenny Karubian is the CEO of Ready to Launch Research. She founded her company with a vision of bringing together age-old anthropological frameworks with cutting edge digital research tools. At Ready to Launch, she and her team deliver hybrid research solutions that combine ethnographic techniques and innovative research technology. Jenny Karubian was originally trained as a cultural anthropologist at The New School for Social Research, Emory University, and UCLA.