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On Demand

Total Credits: .75 Advance Credits

Average Rating:
Business Practices |  Communication
46 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Gone are the days when being an "expert" in your field was enough to get noticed. Today, our world is craving a more human side of business - one in which leaders and business owners have more of an authentic and visible voice - one of purpose and even perspective. Learn: How do you show up - whether introducing yourself at a networking event or on LinkedIn - to stand out and get noticed? How to you become memorable and sought-after? And all in an authentic, rather than 'boastful' way? 
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On Demand

Total Credits: 2 Advance Credits

Average Rating:
Business Practices |  Communication |  Professionalism
1 Hour 59 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
The Chicago Chapter is hosting a unique twin panel event with and for those who are "newer" to the qualitative role and those who are "tenured" shall we say! We have a wealth of information right within our organization, and one of the things we do best is share our knowledge. The needs of both ends of the experience spectrum vary and we can each learn from each other! We're hoping to cross pollinate and elevate all QRCs with multiple quick topic areas, Q & A, and discussion with these amazing panel members!
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Price with Discount:

On Demand

Total Credits: 1 Advance Credits

Average Rating:
Analysis & Reporting |  Business Practices |  Communication |  Consulting |  Moderating/Facilitation |  Professionalism
1 Hour 21 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Hear from a panel of market researchers who are currently or previously on the client side, some of whom also have current or previous experience as an independent. They'll discuss how things on the client side may be different from what independents expect, surprises they had, how client-side jobs qualitative MR have evolved over time, and what they foresee for the future of qualitative research. There will also be time for observers to ask their own questions.
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On Demand

Total Credits: .5 Advance Credits

Average Rating:
Audio and Video
Non-Member Price:
Price with Discount:

On Demand

Total Credits: 1.5 Advance Credits

Average Rating:
1 Hour 30 Minutes
Audio and Video
Non-Member Price:
Price with Discount:

On Demand

Average Rating:
Not yet rated
Communication |  Consulting |  Research Design
1 Hour
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Join 2018 Qually Award winners Lauren McCrae and Nicole Aleong to learn how to pack a punch with your proposals, captivate your clients and win rewarding work. Whether you’ve never written a proposal before or you’re a seasoned rain-maker, you’ll walk away re-inspired with new ideas you can use to spice up any proposal.
Non-Member Price:
Price with Discount:

On Demand

Average Rating:
Not yet rated
Business Practices |  Professionalism
1 hour
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Just like onions, QRCs have a lot of layers.
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Price with Discount:

On Demand

Total Credits: 1 Advance Credits

Average Rating:
Analysis & Reporting |  Project Management |  Research Design
1 Hour
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Video takes your clients on an empathetic and enticing journey inside respondents' struggles, delights, motivations and fears. Incorporating video into your proposals and projects is something every market researcher can do and should consider. Adding video to your research projects does not have to be a headache-filled, time-sucking endeavor.  If done right, it’s bang far outweighs its buck. In this presentation, a professional videographer, editor and documentary filmmaker Anya Zadrozny will detail the things every researcher should consider to identify when and how to create and include video in research projects – from true DIY (just you and things you already own) to a full-scale production (hiring and working with a cameraperson and editor).
Non-Member Price:
Price with Discount:

On Demand

Total Credits: 1 Advance Credits

Average Rating:
Business Practices |  Consulting
56 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
If “the most human company wins” in our chaotic, competitive marketplace (as Mark Schaefer wrote in Marketing Rebellion), qualitative researchers are well-positioned to help. Whether or not we have a seat at our ideal client’s table, we dwell at the intersection of marketing, strategy, and humanity. Our value is rooted in the connections we form with both our clients and respondents to reveal real-world insights about the human experience. QRCs are wrestling with new realities – such as global business uncertainty, fragmentation in the “insights” space, and in-house DIY research – mostly shaped by the disruption of technology, which makes the job of humanizing business decisions very challenging. These new realities have far-reaching implications for us, demanding that we proactively adapt and create new opportunities and avenues to deliver value to businesses and organizations.
Non-Member Price:
Price with Discount:

On Demand

Total Credits: 1 Advance Credits

Average Rating:
Not yet rated
1 Hour, 11 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Without a doubt, the competitive environment of the market research industry is changing rapidly and broadening from an old paradigm of traditional research to a new one that converges with both business intelligence and data analytics providers. Both GfK and Nielsen have sold off their custom research businesses in favor of building out syndicated products and third-party data providers are, in some cases, eliminating the need for primary research entirely. With the rise of automation, chatbots, and AI, many qualitative researchers are scratching their heads and wondering…where’s long-term opportunity?
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