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1 Hour
Audio and Video
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The Internet has disrupted the marketing funnel. It’s no longer a straight line – that marketers draw and lead – from brand awareness to purchase. Today it is more of a jigsaw puzzle, with varied touchpoints and messaging that can impact an ultimate purchase. Customer journey maps are shedding light on the real customer path – the behaviors, attitudes, delight and pain points that customers encounter on their way to a product, category or experience – and inspiring a more nuanced marketing and product development path.
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On Demand

Total Credits: 1 Advance Credits

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Communication |  Consulting |  Research Design
1 Hour
Audio and Video
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For those QRCs that work in communications, these people will become your future clients. But the world has rapidly changed. Different tools are available. The age of creative-test focus groups may be over. What are these people looking for in their qualitative research? What kinds of methodologies and approaches are most valuable to them? What are the needs of the modern creative industry? This workshop will be co-led by Ryan Romero, an industry leader who teaches the Texas Creative program and will incorporate several current students who are at the leading edge of advertising in a structured forum to help Quallies meet the needs of Creatives and vice versa. We all have lots to learn from each other.
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On Demand

Total Credits: 1 Advance Credits

Average Rating:
Communication |  Research Design
1 Hour
Audio and Video
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As researchers and marketers, we know that perspective can drive insight and that the ability to change your perspective is critical to capture the entire picture. This session will review the importance of perspective and different techniques to actively use perspective as a research tool. We will share tips and tools for: discerning your own perspective, uncovering the perspective of respondents; and, better understanding the perspective of your colleagues, clients or team. In addition to the presentation, there will be small group hands-on exercises and large group debrief discussions about ways the exercises can be utilized in your own work. About the Series: For Curated Creativity Conversations, we specially curate content and lead discussions about creative tools and techniques, ideas, and inspirations that will impact your business, your research, and your life.
Short Description:
The C&I SIG leaders are excited to announce our first live speaker as part of our new interactive series, Curated Creativity Conversations. Chelle Precht will host “Perspective: Is It a Fluke?” a 90 - minute session on November 16, 2022 at 10 AM Pacific/1 PM Eastern via Zoom. The event is free and exclusively for QRCA members.

On Demand

Total Credits: 1 Advance Credits

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Consulting |  Project Management
1 Hour
Audio and Video
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Positive relationships between moderators, recruiters, and facilities are paramount to every qualitative research success story. The entire industry relies upon this symbiosis. However, constantly decreasing budgets and ever tighter timelines are just some of the factors putting relationships to the test. This presentation will reveal the results of our own qualitative research with moderators, recruiters, and facility owners to understand what they see as the biggest issues affecting the relationships between all of us and how to solve them.
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On Demand

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Not yet rated
1 Hour
Audio and Video
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Jay admits that he really didn’t know what he was doing when he got into market research... but it all worked out in the end!
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Total Credits: 1 Advance Credits

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Communication |  Consulting |  Moderating/Facilitation
1 Hour
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In this immersive session, Gary explores the Gen Z mindset, highlighting their generationally distinct approach to navigating the world. We will secure insights on how to engage Gen Z effectively and learn how they prioritize their worldview, demand change, and filter their lives through a digital lens.
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On Demand

Total Credits: 1 Advance Credits

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1 Hour
Audio and Video
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What happens when you bring the sharing economy to the world of research?  Exciting things happen.  This presentation will show qualitative researchers how to think creatively (and practically!) about using alternative venues for conducting qualitative research.  We will explore how platforms such as AirBnB and Peerspace can be invaluable options to find the perfect spot to host a session, and we’ll talk about the ways to ensure that a project is a success once you identify the right non-traditional location.  The session will draw upon the real-world experiences of the presenters using unique spaces to conduct qualitative research. Among those experiences will be a case study in the snacking category, where an LA mansion proved to be the ideal setting for three days of focus groups and client innovation sessions for a start-up client on a budget, leading to the development of a pipeline of new product ideas, some of which are now in the marketplace.
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On Demand

Total Credits: 1 Advance Credits

Average Rating:
Business Practices |  Moderating/Facilitation
1 Hour
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Do you hesitate to take on some B2B projects because you fear it will be impossible to find enough participants that meet your stakeholder’s very narrow criteria? You know the drill, “we want to talk to architects who use fire-retardant coatings for steel beams…. In municipal buildings.” Does your study require finding a super niche audience that isn’t readily available from your preferred B2B qualitative sample providers? Fear no more. We have invited some experts at sleuthing out these “unicorns” to join us in a panel discussion of just how they work their magic. From recruiting standard industry executives to uncovering the super niche audiences as well as options for DIY-ing it…we plan to cover it all!
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On Demand

Total Credits: 1 Advance Credits

Average Rating:
Not yet rated
1 Hour
Audio and Video
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Rappers + Researchers + Realities will discuss unconscious bias as it relates to understanding humans in an evolving qualitative research landscape. Leveraging often-misunderstood rap culture, this discussion will show how rappers and qualitative researchers use a surprisingly similar approach in connecting authentically with their respective audiences.
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On Demand

Total Credits: 1 Advance Credits

Average Rating:
Business Practices
1 Hour
Audio and Video
Short Description:
The Emeritus SIG is thrilled to propose a panel presentation and discussion for the Virtual track of the annual QRCA Conference.  Our diverse panel of five is comprised of long-standing legacy members of QRCA and perhaps lesser-known qualitative experts. Panelists are: Jim Bryson, Ellen Good, JR Harris, Judy Langer, and Bonnie Perry. They embody a range of exciting and diverse paths: wilderness trekker/ author/speaker, health and life insurance broker/educator, an adjunct professor at Wharton, a docent with the Holocaust Museum Houston, the Executive Director of the Center for Learning and Living, the Tennessee Deputy Commissioner of the Bureau of Parks & Conservation. Each panelist has a unique story to tell of how they used skills cultivated during their career as a QRC, their personal vision and fortitude to create satisfying new endeavors with or without remuneration. Their journeys have not been seamless; there have been challenges, learning and re-directs along the way.
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