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C&I SIG - Perspective: Is it a Fluke?

Total Credits: 1 Advance Credits

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Communication |  Research Design
Chelle Precht
1 Hour
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Nov 16, 2022
Search Description:
As researchers and marketers, we know that perspective can drive insight and that the ability to change your perspective is critical to capture the entire picture. This session will review the importance of perspective and different techniques to actively use perspective as a research tool. We will share tips and tools for: discerning your own perspective, uncovering the perspective of respondents; and, better understanding the perspective of your colleagues, clients or team. In addition to the presentation, there will be small group hands-on exercises and large group debrief discussions about ways the exercises can be utilized in your own work. About the Series: For Curated Creativity Conversations, we specially curate content and lead discussions about creative tools and techniques, ideas, and inspirations that will impact your business, your research, and your life.


The C&I SIG leaders are excited to announce our first live speaker as part of our new interactive series, Curated Creativity Conversations. Chelle Precht will host “Perspective: Is It a Fluke?” a 90 - minute session on November 16, 2022 at 10 AM Pacific/1 PM Eastern via Zoom. The event is free and exclusively for QRCA members.

DESCRIPTION: As researchers and marketers, we know that perspective can drive insight and that the ability to change your perspective is critical to capture the entire picture. This session will review the importance of perspective and different techniques to actively use perspective as a research tool. We will share tips and tools for: discerning your own perspective, uncovering the perspective of respondents; and, better understanding the perspective of your colleagues, clients or team. In addition to the presentation, there will be small group hands-on exercises and large group debrief discussions about ways the exercises can be utilized in your own work.

About the Series: For Curated Creativity Conversations, we specially curate content and lead discussions about creative tools and techniques, ideas, and inspirations that will impact your business, your research, and your life. 


Chelle Precht's Profile

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Chelle Precht has over 30 years in the marketing research industry, holding various positions at consultancy, full service and data collection companies throughout her career. Chelle has been an entrepreneur since 2003, combining her experience as a researcher “behind the glass” with her unique ability to get consumers to talk and asking them the critical next question.

Chelle is a Research Consultant who has earned QRCA’s “Advance Elevate Consultant” status. Whatever is needed to answer the clients’ objectives, Chelle has conducted qualitative, quantitative and mixed / multi-methodologies ranging from brand image strengthening and equity to user experiences to unearth the insights needed to move them forward. Industries with which Chelle has extensive experience include (but are not limited to) food and beverage, health and beauty aids, personal care, professional organizations, education, retail, information technology, medical / healthcare / pharmaceutical, pet care and financial. Many, if not most, of the top 100 brands have been clients during her career. She has been published in industry journals, spoken at conferences on best practices and has been co-author on papers / poster sessions in medical journals and conferences for research results. See her website ( for more details. 

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