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Ycast Webinar: What You Won’t Learn in School, But Need to Know for Your Career

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Jay Zaltzman
1 Hour
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Oct 03, 2019


Jay admits that he really didn’t know what he was doing when he got into market research... but it all worked out in the end!

In this presentation, Jay hopes you can learn from his mistakes and grow your career more intentionally than he did.  He’ll briefly tell his circuitous story (from his earliest relevant work interviewing recruits in the Israeli military to recently serving as president of the QRCA to his current work in business coaching).

He will then describe steps you can take for effective career development.

Finally, he will do some live career coaching with a volunteer or two (as time permits).  Participants will benefit from hearing others’ stories, and also add their own input and advice through the chat module.


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