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The Lens of Virtue: How Morality Shapes Our Perceptions and Choices

Total Credits: 1 Advance Credits

Average Rating:
Tom Rich
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
May 16, 2022


We live in an increasingly divided world, unable to find common ground on seemingly the simplest issues. Our conversations are fraught with tension and conflict. This presents an urgent challenge to qualitative researchers, as conversation is our stock-in-trade. At the root of this division lies morality-- our sense of right and wrong. Morality is always present in our thought processes, always influencing how we see things and the decisions we make. Similarly, morality is a constant in the conversations we have with research participants. While it often lurks just beneath the surface, it is a powerful driver of consumers' thoughts and behaviors. Understanding underlying moral values can help qualitative researchers understand the "why" behind what consumers think and do, even when their thoughts and actions run counter to our own values. This presentation will provide attendees with a variety of frameworks for understanding moral judgments, as well as practical advice and case studies illustrating how to apply them to research design, execution and analysis.


While we held a Watch Party post-conference for this session on 6/17/2022, we are relying on this pre-recorded session for future viewing due to technical difficulties. 



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Thomas M. Rich & Associates

Tom Rich is a qualitative researcher specializing in branding and strategy. He was worked with more than half of the companies in the Forbes 100, has been in the business since 1996, and has probably conducted more groups and interviews than you've had hot dinners.