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Analysis & Reporting |  Research Design
36 Minutes
Audio and Video
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Qualitative research has value that is frequently untapped in current Lean UX processes. Jeff Chen will share a 5-day process that that uses qualitative research methods in the initial stages of new product concept creation to guide innovation faster than current Lean UX methods.
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On Demand

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54 Minutes
Audio and Video
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When was the last time someone asked you a question that made you stop and think? These are the best types of questions because the answer that follows is original and authentic, not a pre-programmed, automatic response.
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On Demand

Total Credits: 1 Advance Credits

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Analysis & Reporting |  Research Design
1 hour
Audio and Video
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In this webinar, we’ll discuss trends in the use of algorithms in qualitative recruiting. We’ll look at benefits and limitations of these tools, and key considerations for marketers, recruiters and of course, qualitative researchers.   
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On Demand

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1 Hour
Audio and Video
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The Internet has disrupted the marketing funnel. It’s no longer a straight line – that marketers draw and lead – from brand awareness to purchase. Today it is more of a jigsaw puzzle, with varied touchpoints and messaging that can impact an ultimate purchase. Customer journey maps are shedding light on the real customer path – the behaviors, attitudes, delight and pain points that customers encounter on their way to a product, category or experience – and inspiring a more nuanced marketing and product development path.
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On Demand

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Research Design
1 Hour
Audio and Video
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Virtual reality technology is rapidly being developed and is attracting enormous amounts of funding. This technology will certainly affect the worlds of entertainment, news, gaming, health care, business, research and other areas in a profound way.
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On Demand

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Consulting |  Research Design
1 Hour
Audio and Video
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This session is a practical guide to Behavioral Science, the heuristics that most affect market research, and some clear-cut ways to do better research with this understanding. Although many of the examples provided relate to health care, the information applies to research in any setting. The webinar is based on one of the top-ten rated presentations from QRCA's 2019 annual conference.
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On Demand

Total Credits: 1 including 1 Advance Credits

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Business Practices |  Research Design
1 Hour
Audio and Video
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As organizations across the globe adapt to COVID-related changes in their industries and business practices, leaders are turning to their research partners to help them navigate the path forward.
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On Demand

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Moderating/Facilitation |  Research Design
1 Hour
Audio and Video
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A leading wearables brand wanted to understand why some consumers — whose profiles indicated they were a target for wearables — were not interested in purchasing one. Getting to the bottom of why a behavior is not happening is one of the most difficult types of research we are asked to do — because often consumers themselves are not fully aware of all the factors influencing their actions (or lack thereof)....
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On Demand

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50 Minutes
Audio and Video
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As podcasts have grown in popularity in recent years, this engaging form of storytelling and communications presents a huge opportunity for users and practitioners of qualitative research. In this Qcast, we’ll discuss how podcasts are being used to enhance the discovery and collection of insights, as well as facilitate the dissemination of those insights across client companies. We’ll also explore different podcast styles for different types of research opportunities.
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On Demand

Total Credits: 1 Advance Credits

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Communication |  Moderating/Facilitation
1 Hour
Audio and Video
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As we head into the 2024 U.S. presidential election, political research will be front and center, with qualitative research playing a key role in uncovering the “why” behind voters’ views on candidates and issues.   In this Qcast, we’ll take a look under the hood of political focus groups with Rich Thau, moderator of the Swing Voter Project. We’ll see and hear from Rich about how he conducts and reports on his monthly focus groups with swing voters. He’ll discuss tips and learnings from his years of moderating these focus groups, including how he maintains his cool when discussing highly emotional topics.   For qualitative researchers, the Swing Voter Project is a rare opportunity to watch a colleague conduct focus groups. Attendees will come away with a greater understanding of the process and learnings that can be applied to other types of research.  
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