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QCast: So Happy Together? Working with Algorithms in Qualitative Recruiting

Total Credits: 1 Advance Credits

Average Rating:
Analysis & Reporting |  Research Design
Kelli Hammock |  Michael D. Lieberman |  Lauren McCluskey
1 hour
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Jan 20, 2023


Algorithms, also known as segmentation tools, can bring sophistication and precision to recruiting, but they also add complexity and cost. How can these tools be used most effectively in qualitative research projects? 

In this webinar, we’ll discuss trends in the use of algorithms in qualitative recruiting. We’ll look at benefits and limitations of these tools, and key considerations for marketers, recruiters and of course, qualitative researchers.   

Hear from our panelists about the types of questions to ask when a project involves recruiting with an algorithm, key 'watchouts,’ and ways to ensure that projects with segmentation tools are successful from the get-go. Come away with practical insights about how algorithms are created, how they're used, and how they can favorably impact the business value of your research projects. 



Kelli Hammock's Profile

Kelli Hammock Related Seminars and Products

Senior Client Solutions Manager

L&E Research

Michael D. Lieberman's Profile

Michael D. Lieberman Related Seminars and Products


Multivariate Solutions

Michael D. Lieberman is a researcher, statistician and strategist with more than 30 years of experience in the marketing, advertising, and political research fields. He has worked extensively with clients in advertising, testing, data translation, financial services, information technology, food service, telecommunications, human resource, political polling, and public relations.  

As president of Multivariate Solutions, a full-service statistical consultancy that he founded in 1998, Michael works with an international clientele including advertising firms, political strategy groups, and full-service market research companies.  

Michael is an adjunct professor of statistics and market research at New York University and the University of Georgia. He is also an Amazon featured author and has written more than 100 professional articles. 


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Twitter: @Statmaven 


Lauren McCluskey's Profile

Lauren McCluskey Related Seminars and Products

VP, Qualitative

Responsive Research, Inc.