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SoCal Chapter - Qualitative Research News: What You Need to Know

Total Credits: 2 Advance Credits

Average Rating:
Consulting |  Moderating/Facilitation |  Professionalism
Carlos Garcia |  Mariana Melo-Vega |  Jay Zaltzman
2 Hours 01 Minutes
Audio and Video
Original Program Date:
Feb 10, 2023


Our next meeting will take place via Zoom and include three mini discussions on each of the following topics:

DEI and market research. Carlos Garcia will lead a discussion about diversity, equity and inclusion and how we, as researchers, can deal with the challenge of understanding various groups that are different from our own.

Trauma responsive research. Our newest chapter member, Mariana Melo-Vega, will lead a discussion about how we, as researchers, can plan for the presence of trauma both in our participants and in ourselves, and overview some best practices in being responsive to trauma.

AI, marketing and research. Jay Zaltzman will lead a discussion about the impact of artificial intelligence on market research as well as the impact on our clients’ businesses. 


Carlos Garcia's Profile

Carlos Garcia Related Seminars and Products

Garcia Research Associates, Inc

Mr. Garcia is an accomplished professional in both qualitative and quantitative research.  After ten years of experience in Hispanic research he founded and ran Garcia Research Associates, Inc. for over twenty years. In 2011 Carlos became an SVP for Multicultural Research with Knowledge Networks and then with GfK.  After five years with GfK, Mr. Garcia re-launched an independent Garcia Research.

Mr. Garcia was a cum laude graduate in Foreign Languages from Pomona College in Claremont, California.  He received a Ford Foundation Fellowship towards earning a Masters Degree in Comparative Literature awarded by the University of California at Berkeley.  Mr. Garcia later received his MBA from National University in San Diego, California and also did graduate work at the Université de Paris III (La Sorbonne Nouvelle).

Mr. Garcia, the child of Mexican immigrant parents, is fluent in Spanish and French. He is Board Chair Emeritus of Valley Community Healthcare and is a past president of the Pomona College Alumni Association.  In 2013 he was the recipient of the Meritorious Service award from the Marketing Research Association (MRA).  He is also a recipient of awards from the Latin Business Association (Business of the Year under $5 Million) and the ARF Ogilvy Award (Multicultural project for Walmart).  He now resides in Palm Desert, CA and serves on the board of the Artists Council and the Palm Desert City Finance Committee.

Jay Zaltzman's Profile

Jay Zaltzman Related Seminars and Products


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