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C&I SIG Presents Solving Wicked Problems

Total Credits: 1 Advance Credits

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Business Practices |  Communication |  Consulting |  Moderating/Facilitation |  Project Management |  Research Design
Tom Wujec
1 Hour



During Solving Wicked Problems you’ll learn how to better understand and solve complex and uncertain problems by asking the right questions and making ideas visible using collaborative visualization. This is a tool that can be used for all phases of a qualitative research study in addition to helping you improve how you plan and conduct business.

Learn, practice and discuss this fun and powerful approach during this one hour session. This is a simple design exercise and you will be drawing - please bring clean sheets of paper, a pile of blank sticky notes or cards, and a marker/pen. 


Tom Wujec's Profile

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Tom Wujec is a designer, technologist, TED speaker, and executive facilitator who explores the art and science of creative work, deep collaboration, and innovation breakthroughs.

As a speaker, Tom has delivered over 400 keynotes globally and speaks at TED regularly. Tom has designed and written seven books on emerging technologies, design thinking, and creative collaboration.