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143 - Launching Online Qual Projects: What's Different from In-Person

On Demand
Created: 09/23/2020
Base Price: $25.00 Price with Discount: $0.00

144 - QCast - Working Smarter: Note-Taking Strategies to Boost Efficiency

On Demand
Created: 06/16/2023
Base Price: $25.00 Price with Discount: $0.00

145 - Qcast: Leveraging AI with Intention

On Demand
Created: 08/18/2023
Base Price: $25.00 Price with Discount: $0.00

146 - Everything I Need to Know as a Qual Researcher I Learned from My Special Needs Kid

On Demand
Created: 02/03/2021
Base Price: $25.00 Price with Discount: $0.00

147 - Get a View Inside Swing Voters’ Heads

On Demand
Created: 03/08/2021
Base Price: $25.00 Price with Discount: $0.00

148 - Using Empathy to Grow Your Business

On Demand
Created: 02/04/2021
Base Price: $25.00 Price with Discount: $0.00

149 - Qcast: How Methodologies and Approaches Influence Participant Response

On Demand
Created: 11/17/2023
Base Price: $25.00 Price with Discount: $0.00

150 - Clarifying the Lexicon of UX and Market Research

On Demand
Created: 02/02/2021
Base Price: $25.00 Price with Discount: $0.00

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