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On Demand

Total Credits: 1 Advance Credits

Average Rating:
Research Design |  Project Management
1 Hour
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Does online qual feel unapproachable? What does the set-up of online and in-person projects have in common, and how are they different? And how does one even get started? Learn how thoughtful design, careful planning, and clean recruiting will maximize your project’s chance for success. Hear true tales and tips from longtime QRCA members. After this session, you’ll have the knowledge and confidence to be ready to launch your first online project.
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On Demand

Total Credits: 1 Advance Credits

Average Rating:
Moderating/Facilitation |  Research Design
44 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
We’ll use this session to discuss strategies to optimize remote research and share tips and tricks to ensure quality in the new qual normal. Now that we’ve learned the technical how-tos of online research and remote work, it’s now time to lean in and optimize our methods and processes. We’ll discuss innovations made this year and challenges ahead in terms of online work and research.
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On Demand

Total Credits: 0.5 Advance Credits

Average Rating:
Analysis & Reporting |  Moderating/Facilitation |  Research Design
26 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Most market researchers play an important role in one or two phases of the innovation process, but they rarely get to experience all phases. This session will feature a case study highlighting how our team implemented the complete Human-Centered Design (HCD) process – virtually. We harnessed HCD methodologies and digital tools to collaborate online and interview a range of experts and consumers, all with no budget. By leveraging tools such as MURAL, Slack, Google Forms, Zoom, and we successfully conducted research, synthesized learnings, brainstormed ideas, developed solutions, and identified potential partners for implementation. You’ll see how a team of four women with varied experience used diversity of thought to approach the important issue of harassment and discrimination in a new way.
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On Demand

Total Credits: 1 Advance Credits

Average Rating:
Communication |  Consulting |  Moderating/Facilitation |  Professionalism
59 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Empathy. We all aspire to be empathetic in our work as researchers and marketers. But how can we work out our empathy muscles like we do our calf muscles? Rob Volpe, CEO & Chief Catalyst of Ignite 360 and long-time QRCA member tells us how in his new book ‘Tell Me More About That: Solving the Empathy Crisis One Conversation at a Time’ and we’re honored to have him share with us his empathy workout gleaned from years of experience as a market researcher.
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On Demand

Total Credits: 1 Advance Credits

Average Rating:
Business Practices
44 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Business development may be more important now than ever. Are you ready to shake up your mind a bit and challenge your thinking? Our Tuesday Featured Speaker, Justin Breen, will do just that! Come learn some of the tools and patterns of thinking that are consistent with those of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs, and that this visionary used to take his business from his mind to the globe.
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Price with Discount:


Total Credits: 1.5 Advance Credits

Average Rating:
Not yet rated
Analysis & Reporting |  Professionalism
1 Hour 30 Minutes
Short Description:
Want to optimize your design skills to create documents that Stands out? Don't miss this session with Sydney Jansons (researcher and trained graphic designer). Graphic Design for Market Researchers aims to provide graphic design theory and practical tips to help qualitative researchers improve their design skills. Design is not something that we can simply brush aside, saying it’s for creative agencies, designers, or marketers. Researchers need to know how to present their data in a visually appealing way in order to cut through the clutter and extend the impact and longevity of their reports (or proposals, etc). With a bit of training and a practical approach to design basics, all researchers have the opportunity and capacity to make visually appealing improvements to their PowerPoint slides to help reports get more traction with clients. This session is best suited for those creating PowerPoint reports though the theory extends to any tool you may be using.
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On Demand

Total Credits: 1 Advance Credits

Average Rating:
Moderating/Facilitation |  Project Management |  Research Design
1 Hour 59 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
If you're in in-house researcher you may utilize a long-term research community and interested in hearing about ways to get the most value from the existing community, or you may be considering developing one in the future. If you're a consultant, you may run a longitudinal study and want to minimize participant attrition and maximize your insights. Regardless of your situation, knowing best practices for building and managing a long-term research community is valuable.
Non-Member Price:
Price with Discount:

On Demand

Total Credits: 1 Advance Credits

Average Rating:
Moderating/Facilitation |  Research Design
43 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
What does Creative Problem Solving have to do with Qualitative research? Quite a lot, actually. How we solve problems has a huge impact on the ways we approach research - and it has a similar impact on your respondents, clients, and research partners. Come learn about Creative Problem Solving styles and how to help clients, respondents, and yourself keep a research project moving along from "what are we doing here?" to "this solution is awesome!" This roundtable will be highly interactive, so come ready to participate!
Non-Member Price:
Price with Discount:

On Demand

Total Credits: 1 Advance Credits

Average Rating:
Analysis & Reporting |  Communication |  Consulting
1 Hour
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Every day, millions of consumers share their experiences, perceptions, opinions, and actions from the comfort of their couch. These conversations are happening in real-time on social media channels, blogs, forums and in news site commentary. When in-person research methods aren’t possible…and even once they are again…one way to get an immediate baseline read on consumer wants, needs, sentiment, emotion, timing and influence on a research topic is through social conversation analysis. In this module, the presenters will share why social media conversation analysis is important to researchers, what information is available (teaser: it's not just social media channels!), how to talk about it with clients, and what it takes to get started.
Non-Member Price:
Price with Discount:

On Demand

Total Credits: 1 Advance Credits

Average Rating:
Analysis & Reporting
52 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
As researchers strive to get insights faster, how we capture data from respondents can make analyzing that data easier or more time-consuming. In this interactive session, we’ll discuss note-taking strategies and frameworks that help researchers collect and analyze qualitative data more efficiently.
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