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RIVA Webinar Series BUNDLE

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Moderating/Facilitation |  Professionalism
Jo Ann Hairston
Original Program Date:
Sep 08, 2023


Join us for a 3-part webinar series hosted by RIVA's Jo Ann Hairston! Register here for all three at the best rate!

Individual webinars: $50 for members/$75 for non-members  | Cost for all three: $125 for members/$200 for non-members 

Successful Interventions/Projective Techniques - September 8th, 2023 (included On-Demand)

  • Definitions for Interventions/Projective Techniques; are they the same? 
  • What is the goal when doing interventions?
  • Tips for creating interventions and running them smoothly.
    • How elaborate do they need to be? 
    • How to handle the time crunch and the feeling there’s not enough time to properly do an activity.
  • Best practices for using an activity in a research interview. 

Let Me Tell You What I Really Think: Creating Questions that Excite Respondents to Give you More —  January 12, 2024 (included On-Demand)

  • Learn what you will need to explore information about the drivers and motivations that influence consumer behaviors. 
  • Create questions designed to capture the language of the consumer or target population.
  • Are you getting the actual voice of the consumer or yes/no answers?
  • This webinar will help you create a structure to your guide that goes beyond the obvious, top-of-mind answers into the thoughtful “I never thought about this topic in this way before” responses.

Probing - Getting to the AHA — March 8, 2024 (included On-Demand)

  • What is the purpose of your follow-up questions?
  • Are you truly interested in what the respondent is telling you or are you merely confirming your hypothesis about the meaning of their answer?
  • Learn about this and other traps that intervene with asking the most useful follow-up questions.
  • What are the origins of RIVA’s saying “probe till you puke?”
  • And more about what’s so bad about asking someone ‘why’ they said or did something? 


Jo Ann Hairston's Profile

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RIVA Market Research & Training Inst

Jo Ann Hairston, Master Moderator and Master Trainer, has been part of RIVA Market Research & Training Institute since its inception in June 1981. She became the owner of RIVA in 2021, upon the passing of its founder, Naomi Henderson.

Jo Ann serves as a Master Moderator providing qualitative research services via focus groups and in-depth interviews with consumers about products, services, and ideas. Since 1981, Jo Ann has conducted more than 3,200 focus groups and in-depth interviews with nearly 30,000 individuals from ages seven to 90 across all walks of life.

In addition to serving as Master Moderator, Jo Ann is also a Master Trainer and a co- founder of the RIVA Training Institute. She has written curriculum and trained many of the more than 6,000 students that have taken classes.