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Live Event

The “Powerful P’s” Workshop – IN PERSON | New England Chapter

Total Credits: 2 Advance Credits

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Moderating/Facilitation |  Research Design
Mandie Fox
2 hours
Fieldwork Boston - Waltham, Massachusetts



Please join us for an action-packed couple of hours of the “Powerful Ps” – in person! This will be a great opportunity for both experienced moderators to tune up their skills and newer researchers to get exposed to expert training.

We’ll discuss:
• Productive Probing – how to best ask non-leading follow up questions, and confirm your understanding without parroting back
• Practicing and Perfecting your Projectives – some new ways to get respondents to open up, and how to translate some tried and true in-room projective techniques to the online space
• Painful Participants – swap stories about dealing with difficult respondents, and what we did to put them in their place

Please come prepared to learn and to share!

Lunch will be included, provided by our host Fieldwork Boston. 




Mandie Fox's Profile

Mandie Fox Related Seminars and Products

Mandie is a RIVA Institute-certified Master Moderator specializing in quick rapport and deep reflection. Mandie runs “Everything in Moderation” which offers qualitative market research services and moderation training. With 20+ years of supplier-side experience and 5000+ hours of group and interview time, Mandie’s experience spans several methodologies, industries, and audiences. She has been an instructor at RIVA since she got her certification there in 2016. She also offers custom IDI and focus group training for organizations. Mandie was at C Space for 16 years, where she led hundreds of clients from the front-end of innovation to market launch. In her role as a Vice President at C Space, she created the live moderated events offering and led the Mod Squad, a team of moderators, analysts and coordinators. She trained teams across the organization in moderation best practices. 


Fieldwork Boston

890 Winter St, Suite 130, Waltham, Massachusetts 02451, United States
(781) 899-3660