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On Demand

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Business Practices |  Consulting
58 Minutes
Audio and Video
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Live Event

Total Credits: 1 Advance Credits

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Not yet rated
Moderating/Facilitation |  Research Design
2 Hours
Denver, Colorado
Short Description:
Into the Wild: Cultivating the Hidden Power of Intercepts Intercepts are an underappreciated methodology, often relegated to junior staff. With a skilled moderator at the helm, insights magic can happen through these chance encounters. This presentation reframes intercepts as a superpower: quick and cost-effective research in its rawest form. As research trends are shifting to favor digital solutions, intercepts remain an irreplaceable means of gathering on-the-ground insights. Early in my research years when I worked for agencies, intercepts were something everyone tried to get out of: an unwanted task dumped on the rookies. As an independent QRC I’ve come to appreciate the hidden power of intercepts and recognize how the spontaneity can enable profound insights. Along the way I’ve learned to identify when a client’s objectives are ripe for intercepts, as well as when the magic has its limitations.
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On Demand

Total Credits: .75 Advance Credits

Average Rating:
Business Practices |  Communication
46 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Gone are the days when being an "expert" in your field was enough to get noticed. Today, our world is craving a more human side of business - one in which leaders and business owners have more of an authentic and visible voice - one of purpose and even perspective. Learn: How do you show up - whether introducing yourself at a networking event or on LinkedIn - to stand out and get noticed? How to you become memorable and sought-after? And all in an authentic, rather than 'boastful' way? 
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On Demand

Total Credits: .5 Advance Credits

Average Rating:
20 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
In this session we will touch on Bourdieu’s social capital theory and the co-creation mapping which led the team to reconsider how they thought about the target segment and their behaviors when acquiring and sharing family history knowledge.
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On Demand

Total Credits: .5 Advance Credits

Average Rating:
Audio and Video
Short Description:
Qual researchers have a unique storytelling ability that for many of us has expanded beyond report writing and into published work like blogs, articles, and books. As luck would have it, three of our own peers are hosting a conversation to chat about their experiences expanding their work into the publishing world
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On Demand

Total Credits: .5 Advance Credits

Average Rating:
27 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
This presentation is all about using online “listening” and “observation” to understand organically the topic areas through the eyes, voice and minds of the consumer.
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On Demand

Total Credits: .5 Advance Credits

Average Rating:
Not yet rated
Communication |  Moderating/Facilitation |  Professionalism
15 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
In this session, Frankie will share on behalf of the Insights Association's IDEA Council what to consider when asking about gender identity and sexual orientation for qualitative recruiting and respondent engagement. Often we are going with the default when asking about a person's identity, which can be disaffirming or misaligned to how they identify and negatively impact their research experience with us. The IDEA Council has been working on a collaborative industry initiative to shed light on asking demographic questions inclusively and thoughtfully, and these are the results.
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On Demand

Total Credits: .5 Advance Credits

Average Rating:
Communication |  Moderating/Facilitation
27 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
It’s 2023 and the qualitative landscape has and is continuing to change. Traditional mindsets and methods aren’t doing enough to keep pace with the speed of the market and inform real-time decision making. In this session we’ll discuss the industry shifts and what we can do to keep pace with the industry demands. Let’s change, together!
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On Demand

Total Credits: 1 Advance Credits

Average Rating:
Analysis & Reporting |  Research Design
1 Hour 7 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
In order to understand the future of qual, we need to revisit its history. 
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On Demand

Total Credits: .5 Advance Credits

Average Rating:
Communication |  Moderating/Facilitation
17 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
One of the greatest assets a research team can utilize is their own community of participants. Communities allow researchers to recruit from their own pool of curated participants. Communities allow brands to fully-control the experience their customers have when participating in research. Communities also allow agencies to save cost on recruitment all while recruiting from a trusted source that they have full control over. Communities are one way we can fix our data quality problem.
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