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How to Write a Report in 2 Days: Streamlining Note-Taking, Analysis, and Report-Writing

Average Rating:
Analysis & Reporting
337 Hours 30 Minutes

Schedule at a glance


October 19 | October 26 | November 2 | Thursdays, 10:30 am CT to Noon CT (8:30 am PT to 10 am PT)

Has this happened to you? 

You have a new client you’re excited to work with. Everything is going swimmingly. You wrote an excellent screener and knocked the discussion guide out of the park! And then you moderated some fantastic groups or IDIs.  Maybe you were especially excited because it was an online project and you really didn’t want to travel because you have a zillion other things to do in your personal life.  Or perhaps you were excited because you got to travel to a new city and between groups you got to venture around in the new city trying out the regional culinary delights! 

Now, all the fun is over!  And you’ve got 20 transcripts and each transcript is 30 pages each.  And you find yourself staring at an empty PowerPoint slide feeling overloaded, paralyzed, and uninspired.  Your thoughts are jumbled, your memory of those “fantastic groups” has faded, and unsure of how and where to begin.   

Once you’ve written the report and you’re ready to press “send” or to present the research findings live to your client stakeholders – and you’ve got every finger and toe crossed hoping the client doesn’t ask any difficult questions. 

If you’ve been there before and don’t want to be there again, then please join us for a 3-day interactive report-writing workshop.  This will be a hands-on, interactive course that will demonstrate one way of how to get from transcripts to a final written report with no headaches and 100% confidence in your analysis and report-writing.  The course will include optional homework assignments 

Participants will learn: 

  • Tips for faster note-taking and identifying effective supporting quotes 
  • Tips for analysis 
  • How to write reports quickly 
  • How to combine note-taking and pre-analysis 
  • How to create executive summaries that write themselves 
  • And perhaps most importantly to have 100% confidence in the reports that you write 


This course will not be available On-Demand, due to the interactive nature of the program we encourage all registrants to attend live