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Total Credits: 1 Advance Credits

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Project Management |  Research Design
57 minutes
Audio and Video
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Recruitment is often seen as the boring end of the process - methodology has always been the sexy bit, right? Wrong — the sexiest methodology in the world falls flat without the right participants. This is the story of how we used the Big 5 personality theory to find the people are methodology deserved - and unique experiment we conducted to find the sweet spot.
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On Demand

Total Credits: 1 Advance Credits

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Analysis & Reporting
55 Minutes
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The use of Data Visualization for user experience research addresses a perceived need of extending the capabilities of the research team or individual; giving us the ability to display large datasets in insightful ways. Attendees to this talk will delve into learning about how to dimensionalize qualitative transcripts against quantitative survey data through a demonstration of a novel, custom visualization platform built from open-source tools. As researchers, we can begin to expand our skillsets and abilities in common tasks such as segmentation, correlation and pattern recognition. Whereas we will continually advocate for the benefits from the abstraction that Data Visualization provides, ethically, these techniques require a narrative that is constantly being validated through human connection. Our goal for the use of Data Visualization is not to become a shortcut that replaces generative ethnography, but instead positioned as a complementary tool for iterative research cycles.
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On Demand

Total Credits: 1 Advance Credits

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Not yet rated
Analysis & Reporting |  Moderating/Facilitation |  Research Design
58 minutes
Audio and Video
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Insights emerge in the places where humans are making the decision, buying the brand, or experiencing the product or service. By learning in the moment, within the natural purchase or experience environment, you keep your research “real” – so let’s take it to the streets! “Street research” involves gathering insights from consumers at the point of decision, purchase, consumption, and/or experience. By recruiting consumers ahead of time or via intercepts, and by using smart methods and technology to capture insights in the moment, you will gain rich insights on the street. Resilience required! The ultimate benefit: insightful, efficient, and agile research. In this session, we will discuss effective applications for place-based research and best practices for successful execution, including low- and high-tech tools for on-site data collection and analysis/reporting.
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On Demand

Total Credits: 1 Advance Credits

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Not yet rated
Moderating/Facilitation |  Research Design
1 Hour, 11 Minutes
Audio and Video
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Animals have some incredible skills (e.g., crafty as a fox, or as nimble as a gazelle), but all lack the ability to smile or do critical thinking — and all the Artificial Intelligence in the world will never allow a computer to get the full humor in a joke. As QRCs, we use our craft and agility to navigate the world of qualitative research and to smile (or grimace) at some of the insights we gather. Come to the closing keynote and see if your list of conference takeaways matches Naomi's, and be ready to laugh!
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On Demand

Total Credits: 1 Advance Credits

Average Rating:
Moderating/Facilitation |  Research Design
56 minutes
Audio and Video
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If you’re looking to squeeze everything you can from respondents in an in-person qualitative research session – especially innovation-focused work – consider the rev up. Yes, we’re talking pre-work or “homework”. Before they even walk into their research session, consumers are our eyes, ears, and pioneers – and they have ideas of their own. While respondents are in their element, in the wild, let’s leverage that opportunity for an output that is powerful and resonant. No more humdrum homework – it’s time to up the ante and give consumers a seat on the innovation team like they’ve never had before. In “The Art of the Tease”, attendees will reimagine homework assignments as a way to pull out respondents’ sharpest thinking in-sessions and add an entirely new dimension to the creative process.
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On Demand

Total Credits: 1 Advance Credits

Average Rating:
59 minutes
Audio and Video
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Digital innovations have lowered barriers to entry, disrupted once-reliable business models, and dramatically decreased the time it takes for new products to become obsolete. While many organizations are adopting Agile practices, they often fail to grasp the underlying principles needed to see results. Agility is not about doing more faster and cheaper. It is about understanding the market as early as possible, so you can focus on what’s most important. Successful companies engage in continuous conversation with their audience as the foundation of Agile methodologies. In this session, you’ll learn from an early adopter of the Agile movement on how to build a culture of continuous innovation top-down and bottom-up.
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On Demand

Total Credits: 1 Advance Credits

Average Rating:
Analysis & Reporting |  Consulting |  Research Design
59 minutes
Audio and Video
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Through this session you will learn how human experience research became the driver of successful new product ideation. We will focus on how we captured and shared the findings from low-budget primary and secondary research to help the client team better empathize with the humans (and their pets) who will be using their products. We will share how we leveraged the insights captured to bring the client team closer to the human truth; and, how we illuminated consumer stories to create custom brainstorming techniques that inspired breakthrough ideas.
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On Demand

Total Credits: 1 Advance Credits

Average Rating:
Business Practices |  Consulting
56 Minutes
Audio and Video
Short Description:
If “the most human company wins” in our chaotic, competitive marketplace (as Mark Schaefer wrote in Marketing Rebellion), qualitative researchers are well-positioned to help. Whether or not we have a seat at our ideal client’s table, we dwell at the intersection of marketing, strategy, and humanity. Our value is rooted in the connections we form with both our clients and respondents to reveal real-world insights about the human experience. QRCs are wrestling with new realities – such as global business uncertainty, fragmentation in the “insights” space, and in-house DIY research – mostly shaped by the disruption of technology, which makes the job of humanizing business decisions very challenging. These new realities have far-reaching implications for us, demanding that we proactively adapt and create new opportunities and avenues to deliver value to businesses and organizations.
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On Demand

Total Credits: 1 Advance Credits

Average Rating:
Analysis & Reporting |  Research Design
50 minutes
Audio and Video
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Usability testing makes up a tiny fraction of the UX research discipline. More often, UX researchers use techniques such as wizard of oz, contextual inquiries, and Kano analysis to ensure companies solve the right customer problems. Learn about the different types of UX research, when to apply them, and ways to communicate and design actionable insights, such as task analyses and empathy maps. If you’d like to a gain a broad understanding of UX research or learn more about the intersection between UX and product management—this session is for you.
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On Demand

Total Credits: 1 Advance Credits

Average Rating:
1 Hour
Audio and Video
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What happens when you bring the sharing economy to the world of research?  Exciting things happen.  This presentation will show qualitative researchers how to think creatively (and practically!) about using alternative venues for conducting qualitative research.  We will explore how platforms such as AirBnB and Peerspace can be invaluable options to find the perfect spot to host a session, and we’ll talk about the ways to ensure that a project is a success once you identify the right non-traditional location.  The session will draw upon the real-world experiences of the presenters using unique spaces to conduct qualitative research. Among those experiences will be a case study in the snacking category, where an LA mansion proved to be the ideal setting for three days of focus groups and client innovation sessions for a start-up client on a budget, leading to the development of a pipeline of new product ideas, some of which are now in the marketplace.
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