RIVA Webinar - Moderator Neutrality: Avoiding Trigger Points When the Moderator is Emotionally Attached to the Topic.

Join us for our upcoming webinar hosted by RIVA's Jo Ann Hairston! 

Individual webinars: $50 for members/$75 for non-members | Cost for both sessions as a bundle: $75 for members/$125 for non-members 

Moderator Neutrality: Avoiding Trigger Points When the Moderator is Emotionally Attached to the Topic.

We've all heard the phrase that moderators should be neutral in their approach to the topic and refrain from letting our emotional baggage interfere with obtaining the data. But what does neutral mean?  How do we maneuver around our very human traits of having a point of view about the findings or what we wish the outcome would be on behalf of our clients?  What do we do when we have opinions on topics or when it is emotionally triggering? This webinar will answer those questions.