Qcast - Are We Really Listening? Including the Voice of Introverts in Qualitative Research


Like the broader society in which we operate, qualitative research seems designed for and by extroverts. This is true in both the experiences of the research participants and qualitative research practitioners. Recent studies have shown introverts are often more thoughtful, analytical, and reflective people and as such are potential sources of insight, subtlety, and nuance. Our industry and the users of our research cannot afford to exclude the unique contributions of introverts. 

This session will be interactive and personal. Whether we’re an introvert, extrovert or somewhere in between, we will learn about our own personalities and working styles.  We will also take a close look at qualitative research itself. 

We will work together to come up with practical solutions to make sure practitioners and users of qualitative research can benefit from a research industry that is equally welcoming to all. Key takeaways include: 

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